oh, and also

you didn’t even remember why i scumread you?

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“the game” in the context is this current game, no?

Anyway, why do you think that it is scummy, and do you think that if I were scum that I would have made this post?

“The game” in this context is the one you just lost

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how can you confidently say my reasoning was awful despite not remembering my reasoning

What was wrong about ot is how you’ve been twisting my words to mean something completely different all day. :sleepingleafeon:

may you qoute specifics?

I didn’t say it was scummy. I’m making observations. They love me for my observationposting swag

I just lost The Game [citation needed]

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you’re not convincing anyone to vote me by just saying i did something
prove it

Also Mayposting is only for me, haven’t you ever heard of May Bias

You know how I am with my memory and you aren’t going to get me to change my read by acting like you have TMI that I’m town. Why can’t I just be a wolf pushing on your slot? :sleepingleafeon:


Why do you think the tone is off?

you answered my question with a question
you stated you knew something, go into my iso, and find the quotes

Sounds fucky :+1:

Do you have a list. I forget a lot of what I say.


May Bias is when you intentionally maypost to get her attention and steal all her likes so that she may like more of your posts than eliza


reading about 200 posts takes fifteen minutes on average, and my ones about you are about 20-30
its not a big time investment, and your case is worthless without it

Too lazy and I’m not currently trying to get people to vote for you. I’m not that confident in my read yet and why are you even acting like this? :sleepingleafeon:

I realize I don’t follow this. It’s something I’m trying to change in my own play to nurture and learn to work with all styles.

Also this game is making me toxic and I think it’s because like multiple replies I’ve read have felt condescending as fuck. That’s also something I need to work on.