hey guava, now that you’re here
want to play ball with me about zorvo


If you are gonna continue the same thing we WILL lose for the 18th time, we need to improve our play.

Take it however you like

The first one means it’s a suggestion I have to you as I am not trying to force anything or demand anything I’m asking you to learn.

The second one is me explaining my point is right and I was irritated in your disagreement.

Zorvo - Very talkative and has shared many worlds seems to be nit picking everyone and everything people do. but nothing i am reading the most scum on yet
Italy - Kind of more or less supporting people’s actions rather then going full force into accusations and defence. was mad slightly yesterday due to people using the word “Roles” when it wasnt really that big of a thing. could be scummy behaviour.
Neon- Seems relaxed and defends people. dont think i would full force put sus on them yet. but could be a candidate with more information or more observation
Frostwolf - Hasnt started the game accusing me. Must be evil (Joke). Jokes aside havent seen them as active as before. dont know if this means anything but eh.
Guava - Seems sound most the time. only vote i see was from a “i vote me i vote you” situation
Hazard - I will admit i have been quiet. when i went to talk yesterday people were way to aggressive and i am not gonna throw myself into that.
Atlas - Seems good, Not really anything else i can say about them. trying to solve worlds and asking questions.
Garfooled - Got very defensive day 1. but they were also a randomly chosen suspect so makes sense.
Olive - O
Jake - From my knowledge the only person to call me quiet and call me out for it. read that as good.
Kiiruma- Never seen him upset when evil. so i am reading him good for today but could heavily change.
Jarek - Can’t read them for shit moving on
Achromatic - Seems to know what they are doing. hard to decipher if they are doing this to actively help or discourage town. but from how heavy and tunnel vision he was at the beginning with some accusation i am gonna label them cleanly as good for now and move on

in summary VOTE: Italy

VOTE: Sylveon

also, by the way
leafia had said that anyone who had seen me talking to her would see i was shading her/was twisting her words
neon, hazard, jake, italy, guava have all checked in

Of all these people
None of them had claimed such a thing

neon just placed a vote in her, too

this post in particular

Not pre flipping is a good start.


Ooops missed slyveon. i always fucking miss someone. Eh, seems like they are either very defensive or very accusatory. on the fence with how i read them

Play your game. I will play mine. Byeeeeee.


Right so I feel these contradict and you were right the first time around.

When I first signed up I made it clear I’m trying something different so calling it scum beneficial is incorrect as it has nothing to do with alignment and sure you can argue it can be used as a way to not get meta checked but it’s also me trying to ensure Town wins and doing whatever I can to do it no matter how much I have to change or improve I’ll make sure it happens.

I might be an optimist but I can get real when things need to be.

also me and zorvo are the same slot

Never promise in a game XD. but no yeah i apologies. my original plan was to go back re read and say my thoughts on everyone. but it was like 5 pm in the afternoon, i was fucking cold and just wanted to go to bed.

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Ah shit my bad. i’ll fix that

different players, different reads, different playstyles, etc
but we have the same rolecard
worth noting

I called Achro scum before dying and he would’ve been in my legacy so I mean…I did see Achro being wolfy. Hell he posted the quote where i called him out for it this game lol.
