Frostwuff has just openposted and is meh

Haz-Waz has promised to come back with stuff after work. So sad to see they got hit with the 24 hours shift.

Kiiruma seems carefree and doesn’t seem to care about what others think about them. I think that they’re also likely to be town as well.

are you calling a hit

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Atlas wants to play the double-bongcloud with them.

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Votecount as of post #1023

Zorvo (2): Sylveon, guavagudetama
Italy (1): Jarek
Neon (1): Achromatic
Frostwolf103 (1): Kiiruma
guavagudetama (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (8): Hazardwaste, Atlas, Italy, Frostwolf103, Garfooled, Olivest, JakeTheWolfie, Neon

Your right.
It’s who votes who and who used what action on who.

That’s literally it.

I came home dripping wet cause a freak storm happened while i was outside and then was stuck at work shivering for the next 4 hours trying to wait for a bus or some sort of drive home. apologies if i hit the hay as soon as i got back

and i never promised shit XD if you were waiting for me to get back for some game solving info you were waiting on the wrong fucking person


Never did I once state I’d execute you, I was saying if you are wolf you should vote yourself.

Also you’re basically saying what I am.
Like if you are town, just like me and atlas you would have Mech knowledge your town and know your execution would end in a town execution like my slot.

I know that my execution would not end in a wolf execution but rather a Town execution and if your town you would know the same thing.

THAT is my point Leafia.

me when

Never said promise :P

you said you “will”

Almost like there’s never been a game where there is 3 wolves in a 13 player setup.

This is sarcasm in case you couldn’t tell since you decided to complain about it the last time and if is NOT 3 group wolves in a 13 player setup then this is a very very rare setup considering 3 wolves is the case over 90% of the time.

If you’re gonna tell me you don’t think we likely have 3 wolves in a 13 player setup y’all bad.

So would I.
So would any other town member.
But what if your sus flips town?
What then?
What the actual fuck are you gonna do Leafia?
You need to prepare and gain information from that town flip.

two different things, yes
you are correct

Then how in the actual fuck do you plan to have a town victory in this game thread?

Vote the wolves, vote the wolves.

I can name you players I think is wolfy and can be a wolf.

Doesn’t fucking mean they are gonna flip it.

Unfortunately for wolves they always do wolfy things.

You’ve proven otherwise in previous posts this game (you seem to only care about how much people have posted) but most people take the content of other people’s posts into account when deciding who to vote; therefore social cues also play a role in which team wins

Look at Kiiruma and Wazza last game.
Or Cream and Achro.

Y’all didn’t see that did yeah?
Neither did I.

Is my fucking point.