We are diff.

I built diff.

iā€™ve not missed a single vig/ita shot

youā€™ve shot three different town

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I appreciate the apology
consider me marinated from now on

I had my reasons.

wrong ones, considering they all hit town

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Looking forward to this.

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I just am way too much of an optimist and do allot of probabilities.
I can also be argumentative and bias.
Probably other issues as well.
However, I can be very logical at times when I wanna be.

Also remember Hippo?
Remember who was right on his claim being real?
Remember why you was shot?

Wait I think the shot was from a different game in regards to Blizer.

because you incorrectly scumread me, yes

But you thought Hippo was faking when he wasnā€™t and you called them wolfy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was right. :man_shrugging:

and i was right on arc
we could go on all day
but for threadhealth, lets not


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anywho, zorvo
do you have a readlist?
reasons arenā€™t too necessary for me, im just curious

As I said, I can be pretty argumentative and accidentally piss people off.

But if I believe something to be true, Iā€™m gonna fight it.

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Not doing basic reads, but ok Iā€™ll give you something.

Neon gotten better for me.
Garfooled gotten better then even Neon for me.
Italy isnā€™t as bad as they once looked for me.
Kiiruma still bad wall reads.
Still sceptical on Guava.
Sylveon can be a wolf, havenā€™t liked their posts, never say never though.

Achro is Achro, Iā€™ll see where things go.

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Oh thereā€™s also Frost.

Heā€™s kinda just there and doesnā€™t comprehend sarcasm.

on a scale of 1-10, how correct do you think each person has been so far this game

I already said I like Jarek due to a meta vibe.
Not super strong but itā€™s enough to where I donā€™t wanna vote them today.

Hazard made a readslist and voted Italy.
Iā€™d have to take a relook at that prob.

Olivest isnā€™t that memorial other than their Achro situation.