and since i assume this is in reference to what achro/Zorvo have said on the matter
read the 12 ways to improve as town thread to get some grasp on it

read? ME?!

you outa be insane

im very demanding, i know

and zone called me a helluva boss
what a liar

id rather not watch tutorials for my gameplay tyvm

that wasn’t my point
my point was zorvo is changing up his gameplay to try and reflect those methods, so he has claimed to me
thats what achro was referring to

it really does feel like good cop bad cop tho, zorvo goes crazy and u make up for their behavior like “sorry for my gremlin son”

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this sounds like a difference of skill between me and him, rather then anything


urgh i guess i should look at Italy now

i’ve agreed and disagreed with him where i see fit

it wasn’t meant to be hurtful, more that its kinda undeniable im more logical in mafia then he is

I beg a differ

We are just all different in our own way.

then beg.

No U

anyway, im not meant to harm you
just trying to prove a point

we can discuss our skill levels in our rolecard, if you want
otherwise its best to move on

Btw I apologize if I came about this wrong.
Im not saying anything regarding Playstyle, I think your Playstyle is good, it’s you being you.
I just wanted more from you that’s all and now your giving more which I wanted.