can you elaborate on one of me/achro containing a wolf?

My dislike of the Italy train is a lot of people seem super comfy being like ‘oh yeah Italy isn’t doing good’

I said this before in other words but just to reiterate.


yeah i had figured
and you’d, otherwise, just dismantle it by pushing others and not interacting with it itself, i’d assume
you’ve called it pointless many times

If you attempt to convince me she’s town solely with meta I will ignore you

What if…

I compare their current game with their previous games?


I have many tools at my disposal and none of them as scum are me throwing my body over a fallen buddy and going ‘no, don’t take him’ lol

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im curious
how little thought did you put into that that you quoted your own name


Okay but what am I suppose to do with the information you’re not giving enough? Look what you have written and I am expected to be one of ‘super comfy’ as if I made sheep vote and leave it there?

I want you to compare two things for me

Her treatment of me in Flicker and her knowledge of my meta and how easy it is to pocket me in correlation to how she’s treating me here calling me Towny for voting her calling it classic Neon.

How does that compare to how wolf Leafia has treated me in other games and how she would treat me T v W.

And also

How Leafias AtE and general reaction to being pushed in this game compares to how she acted in the game where she was hard pushed by me and Achro actually I believe and eventually outed herself. I don’t remember what game that was but I feel like that post I voted her for is near identical to a post from that game.

guav/atlas(zorvo) not s/s, slight town on guav
may has been busy and will continue to be busy, i was out all day yesterday so i was busy yesterday
when im busy i still pop in but generally just to discuss one point (in this case achro being a lunatic)

i am back now so i care slightly more about the game. it however is also february so im definitely unsure if thatll stick
i hate februarys

in other news: i dont understand any of achros reads and hes tunneling the hell out of me and that might be townie i think
i dont think he was this insane as scum at least which probably means something
i keep on getting an uncanny feeling about how atlas is playing but i dont think its their problem, more mine
noting it here anyways
my zorvo read was bad and i should feel bad

I literally did this last game with my own name. I think.

And was right… technically lol.


But also I did realize my name was there

What does this mean exactly?

I haven’t expressed much of a read on you, but Italy being town for me at the moment is a combination of how they have said thing and a game state read of how he has been talked about. He doesn’t feel like he has any sort of advocate outside of me, and I know I am town, whereas some people have done very little and conversation has slid away from them.