Your continuing shade of me is growing tiresome though after I handed out an olive branch to solve without my push on you. I am starting to think I was right on you.
You think she’d try to bus D1? She was firmly on Frost D1, and I don’t think she typically busses, especially since this is a 13’er and not a 7’er and there’s a lot more options than bussing a scumbuddy on the bottom of the consensus POE.
I don’t understand how all of you think that voting Zone (which, if he flips town, as I think he likely will, doesn’t say a thing about Chihiro) is better than voting Wazza, who’s actually more scummy than the rest of the playerlist, and has a really good chance of flipping scum by all analyses.
It’s not even an actual T-dome because there might not even be a mafia in the two.
Oh. Between me and Chihiro. I thought you were referring to me and Magnus.
I don’t see why there should be a thunderdome, especially since nobody has claimed any other Protective role, so it’s basically confirmed that Chihiro is Jailkeeper. It’s less of a thunderdome and more of an insurance execution.
They simply cannot believe that me being the N2 kill is more plausible than me being the assigned mafia. In the simplest way that I can explain it: It’s just bias, formed by their years worth of experiences playing this game.
–also, I’m not sure “everyone” is “leaping” into it.
Eliza and Neon definitely do, but from what I see Zorvo is voting me to check how Neon reacts.
The actual “everyone else” either have their own wagon and agenda, or they are still “waiting for a good moment to drop a vote”.
I belong to the latter part of that group, and truthfully I have no reason to not vote. I just… didn’t.