Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

Okay gay.
I think this game is easy tbh.

  • Ruby
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care to enlighten us peons?


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You,Cat,Kiirum all town to a semi stronger lean

I think your questioning on my posts are towny so uped you more on my pprevious reads.

3/10 slots at condident
then myself
4/10 in a 10er is fucking amazing for day 1

  • Ruby


Or sturborn

ok I’m finally all caught up

thoughts from the last 800-ish posts:

  • I think Dum is villagery. There’s a sort of archetype of less-experienced player, where they’ve sort of noticed that people don’t take them quite as seriously, but they still desperately want to be relevant, and they have a handful of reads that they really believe in and really want to be listened to on. This was more-or-less the exact archetype Dum fell into when orange and I played with him in H21G10, and he’s doing basically the exact same thing here – he has a couple reads (Kiiruma/Leafia V/V), and he really wants people to listen (trying to assert a “veto” (this is a direct quote) over them being exe’d). I’m mostly ignoring eevee here because I have no idea how to read eevee.
  • Brad/Aelin are trending up a bit, in Moison Brad was kind of struggling to make reads, to the point that he made a channel in scumchat for keeping track of his reads and a couple days in posted “I don’t have reads, this channel is a sham” which was an exaggeration but not a lot of one, whereas here he has a much less narrow scope which makes me think he’s more likely to be town
  • catslot is making me mrrrr with their progression on us, like at the start of the game they were shading us for nebulous reasons, then they came around to townreading us, and then they randomly went back to pushing us for … making a post that was similar to a post we made earlier? I’m legitimately unsure if this was their reasoning but like, yes, someone did a wolfy thing twice so I made two similar posts about it. Basically it reminds me of H21G10 where kat was mafia and kept trying to pretend she was paranoid of me and orange’s slot for reasons that she knew weren’t actually mafia-indicative for us, and I didn’t push her hard enough for that in that game because I was scared I was just subconsciously OMGUSing (which is something I am trying to be conscious of here since I did think they were townier when they were actually bothering to engage with our slot in seemingly-good-faith) but it was right in that game. Also this is a minor point but Chloe randomly called Engineer her top townread and I feel like town Chloe would have more paranoia about Litten having ever played against him as scum.
  • Kiiruma feels … natural? genuine? if I’m being 100% obvious with myself this is mostly a toneread but with a little bit of, he’s trying to convey a specific :bug: mindset through some of his diction, and that mindset is consistent-with-his-mindset-as-town. I can quote posts if people really care.
  • Wind/Wazza aren’t villagery – they haven’t specifically pinged me very much, but normally when Wind is a villager she can be very villagery (like she might still have an awkward opening or whatever, but after that her solving is super villagery) so I think the fact that she isn’t is probably >rand wolf. She keeps talking about how she isn’t going to try to obvtown herself and it feels kind of excuse-y. Also I can normally totally follow Wind’s thought process but here there were a bunch of places where it didn’t really make sense to me, like just off the top of my head without reading back she townread LBW because YBW said he was sheeping Leafia and she didn’t think it made sense to say that as scum but didn’t seem to consider at all whether it would make sense to say that as town (also her reason for why it wouldn’t make sense to say that as scum doesn’t make sense to me) or when she said that Brad/Aelin could want people to sign their posts so that they could pretend to make metareads as scum which feels really convoluted/not a natural thought.
  • Ruby’s posts felt kind of empty, like there was a high ratio of fluff/talking about hammering to actually making reads, and her reads didn’t really have a lot of depth to them. Could easily see that slot as Mafia.
  • Multiple people told me that they regularly forget a bunch of their reads as town within less than a day phase so I guess that really is a thing that happens and isn’t necessarily scum-AI for Leafia but I still think my other points against that slot are sound, I also feel that there’s been a weird amount of resistance to voting out that slot for reasons that are really questionable. Also despite YBW saying that he was going to sheep Leafia their reads don’t really feel like they’ve actually talked to each other about them, like not just ‘they disagree,’ but like ‘they haven’t talked to each other about where they disagree.’
  • catchup didn’t really move the needle for me on Engineer or Trochi

so overall if I had to sort the game into tiers it would look something like

not PoE (loosely sorted)


PoE but mostly for not being townie (not super sorted)

Windzza (could mayyybe move down a tier but my reasons don’t feel strong enough to do that)

PoE for being actively pingy (sorted)

I’m probably going to sleep soon but I can answer questions until then if anyone is around

this is Arete btw in case you somehow couldn’t tell

and this is orange

had a jester win happen to me earlier

also somebody that specifically isn’t arete should post a tl;dr so I don’t need to read through 1.5k posts when I wake up

because that’s not happening

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I thought about it more and these two slots should be switched

goodnight for real this time


How did you arrive at putting EngineerGaming where you did? You didn’t give an explanation of it unless you’re counting that you said Chloe should be more paranoid of Litten, but then you didn’t actually elaborate on what you think is keeping EngineerGaming out of your townreads. You explained why I’m there and why Ruby is there, but what’s the explanation on Litten? Just paranoia, or did you see something else?

This is wind btw

Also, gonna be honest, my head hasn’t really been in the game for whatever reason. Like I just kind of feel out of it even though I’ve been here, interacted, and discussed reads with Wazza.

I have reads but nobody is listening to me except literally my hydra partner so I’m just assuming my reads are crap and not pushing them for that reason. I’m not dying on a hill on any of my scumreads so I don’t have a reason to be loud about them since I’m probably wrong.

Idrc if you think my not caring a ton is wolf-indicative; I will probably care more later in the game but I don’t feel the need to hard push my worldview and kinda think it’s gonna be smarter to sheep a townread instead.

Also if you guys happen to consciously or subconsciously read me off not hyperposting it’s because I don’t want to fuck over the post limit before Wazza gets her chance to reply lmao.


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At least one if not two people saying they’ll deal with reading me by waiting to see if I die pretty much guarantees that I’m not going to die immediately lol
So if you’re serious about saying that, you’re being entirely counterproductive to what you say will settle your read, and should think about the consequences since it guarantees that you’re going to scumread me later
Idk if that’s a wolf setting up to push me or just paranoia speaking because I can see it realistically coming from town, but I also would think that town would know better than to make comments like that in the thread

can’t sleep so I’m back at least briefly

I haven’t found Litten to be particularly townie, and he is a very strong wolf so my bar for clearing him is high

Eli’s posts are closer to would-surprise-me-if-he-could-do-that-as-scum but I think he could probably manage it if he were being coached by Litten

whereas the category above that is reserved for people that I actually think have been villagery not just people who haven’t specifically pinged me

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I don’t have my glasses on and I feel like I typed something wrong in that last sentence
But idk what it is
Oh well

I don’t want to waste more posts so I’m gonna just continue on this one

@LeafiabutWorse what are the specific reasons you think wagons on EngineerGaming and TeamSlightlyPolish would be good? I saw you mentioned those two, and I have my own reads already on each of them, but I’d like to hear why you scumread those slots.

ftr Wind you have 122 posts and the cap is 400 so you should be fine

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town lost with jailor 3 tps and LO

thay can go uninstall tbh

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Tbf i just realized its RP woch kinda explains the bs

Ok, good to know, thanks
I haven’t seen enough of Eli’s posts tbh because I never properly backread the first however many posts in the game.

I’ll iso EngineerGaming eventually but I’ve just been making reads off my interaction with them so far, and maybe it’s because you guys don’t know that I’m town and I do, but Litten’s interactions with me feel much more like a wolf setting up to gaslight me than a townie trying to find my alignment.

I don’t want to claim this is a T/W thing because I’m not 100% sold on that read, but it’s different from how Litten has interacted with me in his town games and it’s much more akin to how he’s wolfed against me previously, particularly in Shortnight 2 (where I endgamed to LyLo as a willager) and not so much like in the Orangevitational (where I died N1 as town so I wasn’t in the game for long lol).

The last time I had a game with t!Litten I wolfed against him and he was decently towny there, I think, but I had TMI (I think it was SCP FM). The previous time I played with t!Litten was on Mafia Colosseum, I think it was Duality Mafia? And Litten alted as “Glassy”. Imo the way he went about making his reads there was not as similar to how he’s been making his reads in this game, and this game is still much more similar to Shortnight 2.

Sorry I didn’t actually intend to write a scumcase on Litten but I’m finally awake enough that I can put stuff into words now lol

I don’t expect you to sheep this and change your opinion; it was moreso because you gave your explanation on your EngineerGaming read and then it got me thinking more about why I placed the slot in my PoE and why I haven’t actually given full reasons for it