Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

What do you think of TeamSlightlyPolish and EngineerGaming? :sleepingleafeon:

null and null


Nope. Not time to flip a villager yet. Sorry. :sleepingleafeon:

good point
i like you dum

the whole i can’t give reads i can’t have thing feels real and villagery and i like that there’s no sign of agenda

Wrong. Hammering is never a good idea here regardless of my alignment. Besides, I highly doubt I’ll get executed today. :sleepingleafeon:

hammering is always a good idea
i don’t know what you’re talking about

Hmmm, looking at Melody’s slot could be useful I think. :sleepingleafeon:

Never a good idea. Mostly never anyway. :sleepingleafeon:

TeamSlightlyPolish needs to be looked at too I think. :sleepingleafeon:


Then look instead of just stating this outloud smh.

  • Ruby

Why should I they are obviously being tunneled right or wrong by thread and in this setup means they die I’d rather spend my time looking at slots that matter (sorry leafia)

  • Ruby

town literally every game: “lets hammer this person! it’ll help! we’ll have more WiM, more time to backread, and they’ll be wolf, it’ll be awesome!”
town when the person flips town: “I no longer want to play this game, why did we hammer btw? town deserves to lose”

manual like since I ran out and ahte forums are literally 1984

anyway im back now, sorry I was gone for so long, will b e watching yt and perusing thread, not much as changed in my head

Firstly calling me town so why look into me?

Second already 24 hours has been spent on your slot no matter what you flip flipping you makes sense so that those INTERACTIONS can be read with more information to determine others alignments.

  • Ruby

if apparently I am flipping 100% of the time, then why wouldnt you want more interactions with other players, there is literally never a good reason to hammer here, and I almost got hammered like 12 hours into the day! (why are people like ignoring that thats a thing that happened?)


Vote Target Voted by Votes
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra, TeamSlightlyPolish, Cat 3/6
TeamSlightlyPolish FPSers, LeafiaButWorse 2/6
2Wolves1Hydra HoodHeroes, EngineerGaming 2/6
idrc MelodyRythm 1/6
Not Voting idrc, TheBirdsAndABee

Cause you didn’t and weren’t almost hammered and trying to exatorate it for town cred.

Cause it gets to the point as it is now where thread dies and wims lower it’s better of your town to rip that bandaid off now then later so that we can move forward.

  • Ruby
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Wait am voting someone?

Gonna ask my sis on that one.

  • Ruby

“weren’t almost hammered”
bro I was at L-1
yes nobody was gonna vote on it (probably), but I was at L-1 and left like that for a good while, I dont like how people are just ignoring that thats a thing that happened, thats how it feels with everything Ive done. like I will say stuff, and people will say sus stuff, and then people are like “yeah but ur other head said this slightly sus thing from over 24h ago so u deserve to die”

that is just dumb for the reasons I have already said

I think I also only see scum using the reason “we should hammer bc we need to preserve WiM”