Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

lmao i was just about to post a diff pasta

a VC exists but itā€™s (a) wrong (b) not updated

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is it not just selfpres


This is part of the problem
Iā€™m not pointing fingers, neither should anyone else, but some people are incapable of not distracting the thread by posting funny jokes

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ive never once laughed at your jokes
ive laughed at YOU
theres a difference


(hopefully accurate) Votecount

Vote Target Voted by Votes
HoodHeroes TeamSlightlyPolish, MelodyRythm 2/6
MelodyRythm cat, EngineerGaming 2/6
TeamSlightlyPolish FPSers 1/6
EngineerGaming LeafiaButWorse 1/6
2Wolves1Hydra HoodHeroes 1/6
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra 1/6
Not Voting idrc, TheBirdsAndABee

(please yell at me if itā€™s not accurate but this shld be goodze)

things were so much better before katze got here


actually it may be correct, apparently

you need to ping the host when you vote and some people didnā€™t

what the mother fuck is this

Thereā€™s 1 vote on them
And itā€™s not even me, the person who gave actual reasoning

Look, hereā€™s whatā€™s going to happen:

Weā€™re going to yeet someone, probably someone in the perceived lower half of skill level of the players in the game that had the most uninspired d1 by t0an and/or volume; hopefully weā€™re right

The wolves are going to SPK someone, probably EngineerGaming if heā€™s a villager and/or has something that could be minimally construed as a correct fakepeek, and then some other shit may or may not happen and weā€™ll have NK/mechanical stuff to talk about

Itā€™s hard to gin up enthusiasm when the real game isnā€™t actually going to start for the better part of 48 hours, and having TeamSlightlyPolish act like heā€™s all clever for voting me because thereā€™s a 25% chance he could be right and have gotten in on the ground floor is just stupid, and itā€™s insulting that you think it would be at all productive regardless of my role

we really just fucking PARKED huh
lemme think


Nvm thereā€™s 2

Changes nothing

is this a good time to retract vigilante

okay i wonā€™t

Iā€™m also willing to veto an HH execution for today too. Itā€™s not the right one. Not sure what to think of TeamSlightlyPolish at the moment but Melody has been trending downwards. Itā€™s just super weird how they want a hammer and donā€™t really care who itā€™s on. I think Iā€™m going to do this. /vote MelodyRythym @Host_Account_2

Besides, Iā€™m starting to think itā€™s possible that I was wrong about Areteā€™s slot being a wolf and I think it could be beneficial to have at least one more day to try and get a better read on them. Just in case TeamSlightlyPolish is a villager. :sleepingleafeon:

nah the covers been good

Youā€™re still alive? Good to see

they sure did vote you
i wanna play dnd


u know
i wanna like leave so much rn
but i am a good person and mafia player

anyway ill be back when the timer appears

gl chloe