Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

literally outted 5 people who weren’t vigilante, my cover was amazing

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I believe that

oh thanks i’m actually a horrible person
still godly @ mafia tho

ok but counterpoint, Windward is not in the perceived lower half of skill, and Wind is probably a better yeet than MR


Wind is useless she keeps going around in circles

As her partner who has to suffer with her thought process and then her constant self doubts


wazza posting fake stuff isn’t helping your case

my head is so far away from optimal mafia zone atm


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I’m being serious
She’s spamming my discord

litten does your orange=icky read contribute to you not wanting to vote wind here


Leafia why do you townread Wind

wasn’t that eli


big mood
i’m literally so disconnected atm but know i can and should do better


also im done signing until kat comes back

hi im here now what happened while I was gone (sorry about beign gone for so long stuff happened)

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this is my same question maybe if i piggyback off it i’ll get a tldr

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imagine not having one head sign posts

Ok ok I’m still here but I really want to sleep
Idk what you want me to say


is this the thing


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