Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

didnt know you needed my permission :wowee:


thereā€™s this emo person sitting right behind me trying to yell shit smh thatā€™s obviously why

Fuck me as if this game wasnā€™t too fast for me to begin with. :man_facepalming:


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i think i just deleted bradā€™s post by accident too lol

-a (sorry brad)

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you donā€™t seem like you want to die visibly rn

Actually, Wazza and I have never been T/T together, so the chances are that her hydra is just mafia.


dying invisibly is much more fun, indeed


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i wonder if arete is currently typing a wallpost response for me rn

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my vibes are normal

uh if there are specific ā€¦ tonal questions ā€¦ you have, I could try to answer them, I guess? the two obviously salty posts are salty because I am annoyed, the post kat said was a ā€˜salty wolf postā€™ wasnā€™t salty at all which is why I called the read fake

and yes I do, I also am leaning town on you for reasons I explained already

leaning town on Leafia for not extremely blatantly TMIing everything pending flips

Eli is ā€¦ he would be >rand town if this werenā€™t a hydra game but I am scared to clear him for ā€˜posting at all with vaguely coherent reasoningā€™ when he is partnered with Litten

also I scrolled up earlier to the top of the page and saw that Brad/Aelin was the top poster and both of them suck at wolf and never have WiM as scum so Iā€™m leaning town there but I didnā€™t want to say that because I felt like ā€˜Brad/Aelin is town for topposting when the game has less than 300 postsā€™ is the sort of read where I would see the post in postgame after that slot flipped scum and be like ā€˜wow Iā€™m such a dumbassā€™

- arete

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first of all iā€™m psychic

i mean
i had high wim in cod so this reasoning is bad regardless


waitwaitwait does Soren have reads that heā€™s managing to communicate clearly enough that you know what they are

or is that not what this is implying

if you think thats an arete wallpost then hoooooo boy


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actually donā€™t answer that itā€™s sort of lowkey trying to use your disorder to make you more readable which is a kind of shitty thing to do

oops sorry Soren

no iā€™ll answer because itā€™s actually kinda relevant
itā€™s just literally vibes/second set of instincts

vibes are not normal


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im actually telekinetically connecting to birdā€™s mind and forcing them to sheep my reads by implanting them as my own thoughts
soren what soren
