Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins


please make everyone think orange is townie, thanks

and im far too lazy to explain again

thatā€™s not an explanation though??

if you were scum
there would only be one other scum



i think leafiaisworse is outted

i was TIRED ok and my memory is still like roughly the same

melody is a meh wagon but personally im ok with it, I think that theres always a wolf between kiiruma/engi so if engi cant be a wagon then kiiruma should be one

also I rememeber like actually notcing WW as opposed to just kindve mentally ignoring them min my mind, which is how I usually think of them as scum (there but not there, posting but not much despite having 1000 posts) so I think WW is town

you guys r nerds lol
also am here


Vote Target Voted by Votes
HoodHeroes TeamSlightlyPolish, MelodyRythm, cat 3/6
MelodyRythm EngineerGaming, LeafiaButWorse 2/6
TeamSlightlyPolish FPSers 1/6
2Wolves1Hydra HoodHeroes 1/6
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra 1/6
Not Voting idrc, TheBirdsAndABee



Wind the entire theory behind my playstyle is that you can find some villagers and then box in the wolves by virtue of them not being townie enough

yes, youā€™ve done some wolfy things (which I and orange have repeatedly explained, actually) but you also just havenā€™t been townie

which is a harder charge for wolves to refute

Iā€™m Wazza right now

Wind will almost always put something at the end of her posts

thatā€™s not an excuse
you come in here with saying they are bad wagons but you donā€™t actually understand why they are wagons in the first place
which is something a town should probably do before they make a call like that

unless you were a wolf and already knew their alignment

hey firekitten do you want to vote HoodHeros
i think itā€™s scum

I think Dum is playing to a very specific village archetype that also exactly matches his archetype in H21G10

and I canā€™t read eevee


I havenā€™t seen anything worrying from eevee yet but will be sure to keep an eye out because I think D1 reading eevee is always going to be a crapshoot

Dum has been around way less than I would have expected given CoD but given, unlike CoD, I actually read H21G10, I donā€™t think I actually have a reasonable expectation - and, furthermore, his posts have seemed about as genuine as they did in G10. Not quite as much pure enthusiasm, but on the whole for somebody as new as he is I wouldnā€™t go there without further red flags.

or we could organize a CFD but

eevee is rand town because statsitically he has a higher chance at being town

Why are you asking publicly? You can just dm them or something

so what iā€™m seeing here is that hh has had a lot of focus on them for a hot minute right
this is important i swear

we have literally not used discord at all to communciate