Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

brain go zoom

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son of a-

if one of you signed your posts this wouldnā€™t be a constant issue

has he just been saying that or has he actually done anything about it

Yes but has he actively done anything to try to focus it or has he just complained about it?


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also if people didnā€™t refer to themselves in the 3rd person itā€™d be easier


look man im very bad at remembering


also firekitten constantly pretends to be be me anyways (as jokes)

chloe fuckin rocks

Fuck Iā€™m a century too late on asking that


I finally got out and sped home and Iā€™m on my lap top.

What is happening?

  • Brad

Okay serious question

When has Eli said ā€œmanā€

we will do what we want

the former

but that doesnā€™t mean heā€™s been driving a wedge through like wind says he ā€œcould beā€

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oh yeah youā€™re exempt you do you

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many, many times

thats hilarous

@2Wolves1Hydra hello are you alive my friend

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iā€™m gonna go make a montage of me saying man


i love being exempt

I say this because I literally just finished a wolfgame with him on my team and saw how he wolfs