Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

go on pls

Personally, no, I think that slot is town
And I still do
Neither Leafia’s nor YBW’s posts in the later half of today look like their scum meta and I’ve literally seen both of them wolf together in the same game, on my team, and it did not look like that


kat is gunna make fun of me if im wrong on wind

orange ill tell you this
i told eli before we got our rolecard that if we played normally we would be town read by arete and orange if we were mafia



sincerely, YBW

If you’re town literally reevaluate your entire readslist post our flip because I disagree with a good few of these reads

yeah my read on you is null but Chloe and I were lock-step at a few (unexpected) points in a way that makes it hard for you to drag her down too far

Get rekt by katze


Aelin doesn’t support yeeting Leafia/YBW and I’m respecting the read.

  • Brad

well what does aelin support


Vote Target Voted by Votes
HoodHeroes TeamSlightlyPolish, MelodyRythm, cat 3/6
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra, EngineerGaming 2/6
MelodyRythm LeafiaButWorse 1/6
TeamSlightlyPolish FPSers 1/6
2Wolves1Hydra HoodHeroes 1/6
Not Voting idrc, TheBirdsAndABee

im sensgai

i was about to say
“oh no we’re over 400 posts”
okay first of all what does listed mean
second of all i know what it means but still


@Host_Account_2 @Marshal @Mistyx

Vote count would be nice

I don’t think you actually have any relevant experience to back up that claim but if you aren’t vig here then why’d you play different

Great timing :+1:

@Host_Account_2 do it again to spite them

i hate this vc i hate this eod and i hate my life

trans rights


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meh, im not ultra confident in it nor am i trying to overthrow your read

if im right then small ego point up, if im wrong then small ego point down


they said something similar about u so fair enuff

good job pocketing eachother ig

i support trans wrongs

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