Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

I hope that VC is actually updated correctly this time
And my phone is on 3% so I am literally going to sleep as soon as it shuts off because I have nothing more to say



Vote Target Voted by Votes
HoodHeroes TeamSlightlyPolish, MelodyRythm, cat 3/6
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra, EngineerGaming 2/6
MelodyRythm LeafiaButWorse 1/6
TeamSlightlyPolish FPSers 1/6
2Wolves1Hydra HoodHeroes 1/6
Not Voting idrc, TheBirdsAndABee

your wish is my command

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why does it feel like eod is in 2 minutes



Are you much more confident that 2wolves1hydra flips wolf?

  • Brad

cat in two minutes after Wazza self-hammers on L-1:


lol no

its like everyone hit the panic button all at once

myself included


Above say Melody hydra.

  • Brad

i want to vote hh but the tiny annoying voice in my head says no
but also i donā€™t know who else i would vote
but i donā€™t want to no vote

I mentioned this earlier
I havenā€™t moved the vote since me and Wind have no clue wtf to do lmao

leafia is town if wind is mafia

that is my read

@FPSers genuinely where tf are you guys even at

I have no conception of your reads

ftr if engineer ever rescinds vig, blast them


I quite literally stated I would rather vote Melody than Kii but then I got disagreed with and then they suddenly became a flash wagon and I panicked

anything in particular or just a good few in general

feel that too

mostly from leafiaā€™s treatment of them

doesnt feel like how they normally treat a partner - all tmiey

we got 14 mins till i do that dw


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Fuck it Iā€™m going with my gut and also sheeping FPSers at the same time


/vote TeamSlightlyPolish @Host_Account_2