Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

We literally haven’t discussed shit either one of us is out of the house getting shit done or sleeping or unavailable entirely we don’t have any organization what so ever.

I’m mostly in control now though and I’m joining the wagon of whoever I don’t townread and protecting whoever I do townread.

  • Brad

doesnt she struggle with townreading her partners

or has that changed

2Wolves is too high imo
Same with cat (Sort of, I just think their slot is too inconsistent with one another and is semi-arguing in thread too much)
idrc I can easy see as town currently

that was my point, unless I misunderstand you

i think in risky she townread us



Vote Target Voted by Votes
HoodHeroes TeamSlightlyPolish, MelodyRythm, cat 3/6
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra, EngineerGaming 2/6
TeamSlightlyPolish FPSers, HoodHeroes 2/6
MelodyRythm LeafiaButWorse 1/6
Not Voting idrc, TheBirdsAndABee

peaches come in a can

okay but nothing you’ve said about 2wolves all day has been more convincing than a singular pkr post

food for thought

gotta go now


they were put there by a man

leafia can change this if she wants but I dont like this wagon as much as this one and they’ll both be at 1 vote anyway

/vote 2wolves @Host_Account_2


Why are you buddying up to us so much btw

id really like if people didnt vote HH bc I actually townread them and that never happens so I have to be right

Genuinely speaking you’ve spent half the day defending us and now voting with us

one single pkr post has given me more reason to think 2wolves are town than anything negative you have said about them


Vote Target Voted by Votes
HoodHeroes TeamSlightlyPolish, MelodyRythm, cat 3/6
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra, EngineerGaming 2/6
TeamSlightlyPolish FPSers, HoodHeroes 2/6
2Wolves1Hydra LeafiaButWorse 1/6
Not Voting idrc, TheBirdsAndABee

iiiiin a factory downnnntown

i see you have never talked to me and chloe huh

also leafia is a villager cuz the slot is tunneling the most obv town in the game which shows a clear lack of TMI (ironic take) (probably)


what exactky do you town read of them

wasn’t that mostly leafia