Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

Why were you lurking through a vig claim and subsequent wagoning of your townread

Because I didnā€™t realize my townread was being wagoned that much?

Literally look at my iso and realize I start going at people that are voting Windward and get them off of her.

  • Brad

And if you felt okay doing that why do you feel itā€™s a good idea to spend today running everybody (including the dead vig) through the mud for not saving them

Literally we get a vote count once every 20 hours. How was I supposed to know?

  • Brad
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Because Hood should not have been yeeted Day 1 like that. Flat out. They were towny.

Certain players missing out on that isnā€™t normal. Town!WWA and Town!Wazza are huge pieces to town and getting rid of them is a huge W for mafia.

  • Brad
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Youā€™re right

Just, objectively correct - we should have seen the signs

However, I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to act like you have no idea where the misreads came from like you have been

I thought I remembered aelin sharing a lot of my thoughts about windā€™s play and I was right - she also didnā€™t have a damn clue what wind was doing, at least at first

So please stop acting all holier-than-thou, which isnā€™t going to help anybody, and talk some with your partner about what you can actually use to determine who the scum are (because ā€œpushed windā€ is very clearly not a silver bullet)

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Also ftr I maintain the signs we should have seen are wazza not wind but thatā€™s kinda neither here nor there

Couldnā€™t sleep and Iā€™m inclined to agree that Cat/TSP is v/w. No idea right now which is wolf though. After I get up in the morning once Iā€™m more awake, Iā€™m planning on isoing both of them to see if Iā€™ve been misreading them or not.

Especially after I was wrong about MR, I want to see if Iā€™m wrong in my read on their two slots as well. :sleepingleafeon:

Hmmm, Iā€™d say >rand scum at the moment with how much tunnel vision he has on me as well as him willing to snap vote me in lylo if weā€™re both alive then. Him not being willing to even consider the possibility that Iā€™m v is a huge yikes to me. Itā€™s not something Iā€™ve ever seen him do as a villager mlm or as a wolf, so I honestly donā€™t really know what to make of it at the moment. :sleepingleafeon:

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Leafia can you give me a summary of where your reads are at rn? Preferably an ordered or tiered list with brief explanations for each


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Sure thing.



LeafiabutWorse: No explaination needed.

FPSers: Theyā€™ve just had a villagery feel to them and Iā€™ve honestly been mind melding with them a lot this game


idrc: They were the first to start defending me although Iā€™m tinfoiling that they did it to pocket me, although that doesnā€™t seem like a very Eeveelike thing to do. They have a completely different feel to them than in Poisonous too.


cat: This slot has honestly been trending downwards, especially after the Wind flip and what FPSers pointed out. It just seems weird that Chloe is having a hard time reading me when she usually has a godread on me too.

TheBirdsAndABee: This slot is one that I havenā€™t been paying that much attention too but the sudden vote on HH at EoD, even if it was to save me, isnā€™t a very good look for them. Iā€™m honestly not sure what to think of it right now.


TeamSlightlyPolish: This slot has started trending upwards a bit but Iā€™m not ready to start townreading them just yet. Their thoughts are something I can understand at least though, so thereā€™s that. Iā€™m just not sure if theyā€™re wolfy thoughts or villagery ones.


2Wolves1Hydra: Read my previous post for an explaination on this slot. :sleepingleafeon:

I listed the names at the top at first to remind myself of who was alive. :sleepingleafeon:

Then I forgot to delete the last four names. :sleepingleafeon:


This is one example.

This is the post I made about it. :sleepingleafeon:

Why is that?

Itā€™s a bit hard to explain but Iā€™ll try. The one thing that weird me out about it is why not place the vote on HH sooner if you wanted to avoid a rand? It just feels like TheBirdsAndABee voted HHthere when they did because they wanted to pocket me. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m right about that or not, but it does feel like thatā€™s a possibility.


Why do you think tsp and my slot are w/v? In your own words, please