Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

I was asked, so I am quoting it up.

oh right, I quoted it a second time.

Most likely is either TheBirds
Followed by TSP or FPSers (I’d still lean TSP)


  1. I think your slot is town
  2. IDRC literally coached Leafia in thread which I don’t think they’d do as the only 2 wolves

  1. FPSers

I think this is less likely to come from a hydra who’s mafia with LBW because it’s basically saying ‘IDK how to read our team right now’ and comes off as a bit overtly awkward?

Also this post by YBW:

Felt like LBW had planned on using this against FPSers potentially if/when one of them flipped and they perhaps missed it since.

  1. TSP is now slightly lower chance than TheBirds because I just realised how

This question kinda feels weird to ask in thread about a partner.
It’s nothing strong at all but I just feel like their treatment of TSP was also a bit overt in LBW’s ISO.

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This was meant in reply to

By @cat

Alright, i just checked the thread for the first time in ~1 day and you guys managed to kill obv town and get vig to claim d1

Starting my catch up now, if anyone wants to discuss ping me


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Vote Target Voted by Votes
TeamSlightlyPolish cat, FPSers 2/4
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra 1/4
Not Voting TeamSlightlyPolish, LeafiaButWorse, TheBirdsAndABee, idrc

Wolfy post


Wolfy post


Wolfy post + ratio


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i forgot theres an approximately 0% chance of eevee understanding what this means
oh well

sleep deprived but wanted to post before i left for work
@LeafiabutWorse ur read on us makes no sense because

  1. we’re scumreading you
  2. eod hh vote was pure panic not to “pocket” you or save you in any way

got the notion u wanted to interact more

will try and get abby on more tho, expect that around lunch

also wanted to make a note that it’s kinda weird how most people think tsp/cat is v/w and there’s really no variation that people think tsp is the scum
yes i also hold both these opinions but it’s still weird

one last trochipost before work
question for all of u
what do u think the wolves’ plan is, where are they in thread atm

You are right, I don’t.

Mind explaining your “wolfy post” bit wider?

trochi suddenly in seemingly everyone’s PoE



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Which, ftr, I disagree with

Did some ISO skims before goin to sleeb and bounced some ideas around with kat and both of us are pretty sure bird doesn’t have TMI

The inquisitiveness and flow of their thoughts doesn’t feel like someone who has a conclusion in mind or who is trying to fit in - I think they’re genuinely trying to figure this game out I don’t get any sense that what they’re saying is fabricated

In addition to good tone & comfort in comparison to past scum games I rly don’t think this is it lmao

And I’m concerned that it seems like they’re dropping for ppl


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I had a dream that Wisdom was in this game and now im sad

So, you’re scumreading me and chose to vote for HH? Were you just scumreading them more then? :sleepingleafeon:

I honestly have no idea what the wolves are planning here. :sleepingleafeon: