Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

Why is LeafiaButWorse a wolf?

Well, culprit number 1, Leafia… has done multiple things which stands out this game.

Upon my entrance to the thread and my initial catchup, I realised that the slot as a whole felt more distant than both individual heads usually do. There was a lot of discussion which had already happened in the thread prior to my entrance (At like some point between #600 and #650, I can’t remember) and yet LBW seemed to not react to it despite being present in the thread during when it was happening. IIRC it was something involving Arete’s slot and LBW just casually ignored it instead of commenting on it which is what made me think they could be a team.

On top of this follows Leafia’s posts which was something along the lines of ‘I think Arete’s a wolf. But I’m going to look elsewhere for wolves instead of focusing on that’ which once again feels highly partnery as it feels like an excuse to first of all avoid the Arete discussion as a whole and basically avoid touching on them again.

This follows the fact that throughout their ISO they have mentioned Arete 19 times out of 341 posts. And TSP as a dual slot… in 9 posts. Compared to my hydra name 21 times, Kiiruma 15 times and Kii an extra separate time. Once again suggesting, to me, that Leafia wants to avoid talking to and about TSP when they don’t need to.

Arete’s slot had not done much after Leafia had given the slot a wolf read. And yet after that by a bit, seeming to instead stray to a townread. Which to me shows once again the disconnect that Leafia has had this game and a weird hiccup in progression.

‘So Kiiruma, why is this not just the usual Leafia’

Good question! The answer is, as Leafia has admitted themselves, Leafia is not experienced with Hydras. On top of this Leafia’s lack of self awareness due to this is more likely to come from a wolf, than a townie. Fun fact, Leafia actually said ‘Actually the fact I’m not self aware means I’m not a wolf’ or something close to this… which goes to show a plan to use this in the future whenever Leafia is being backed into the corner.

The evidence of both of them being lost also increases with the fact they both want the other to do reads to sheep off. It shows, to me, that they just don’t know what to do and they’re trying to rely on each other. Whereas if YBW was town, then YBW should know from playing with Leafia (No offence to leafia though here) that YBW should not be relying on Leaf at all. And that in itself is damning.

Leafia (and YBW) have both had a bunch of awkwardness this game. More than usual, in fact. LBW (I believe while YBW was in control) had said in reply to FPSers saying that ‘They’ve never been T/T with Wazza’ that they would “incorporate this into their line of thinking” and that feels really off to me. It shows to me a plan to use it once one of the duo had flipped against the other one of them. Meaning this is both indicative of Leafia being W and Aelin/Brad being T.

They also instead of responding to being pushed by going after wolves on their wagon, had at the time been basically just been throwing their own pity party as @EngineerGaming have pointed out in their ISO. Pinging so yall can see it for themselves which is different to how YBW usually acts in games. Leafia usually argues a lot and does pick up on things ongoing in thread as town, yet this game they had not done so. Both being out of character is indicative of them both being unsure (as discussed before), both being lost… and this likely being due to them both being wolves and hydras for the first time due to how off it is.

Leafia slot prepared the vigilante claim, not while they were safe… but instead while they were getting pressured. Which is usually indicative of a wolf trying to take down a PR using this methodology.

This post

Is indicative of 2 possibilities:

  1. The plan to claim vigilante, which, Leafia had already known
  2. Some reason to believe they would survive this when they had already been the most pressured slot (btw, THIS is what Leafia claimed the reasoning was) and this is indicative of being a wolf as if Leaf is a wolf then Leaf knows ‘My partner hydra probably won’t D1 us and town usually hits it wrong’ it feels out of place for a villager to think in Leafia’s position in the thread.

Finally comes the 2 lovely terms of ‘OMGUS’ and ‘LAMIST’ both of which Leafia exudes more than CO2. Leafia has used these throughout the entire game, even more than they usually do as town, once again, making their slot look scummy as all fuck.

Their response to IDRC asking for ‘Why they think Me/EG are a team without the OMGUS’ was:

And Leafia further admitted later that if we weren’t pushing them, then they’d have us both as a null.
Leafia responded to IDRC’s question with LAMIST in saying ‘It makes sense for a villager to do’ and admittance of OMGUS.

Leafia further not only doesn’t really acknowledge their own LAMISTy nature this game, but had also argued in their ISO that Chloe in a fairly just light post, had been LAMIST and that it was ‘>rand W’

TL;DR: Overt LAMIST, OMGUS, Disconnect from thread, Both heads are completely lost, Attempts to force perspective, voting for HH and then saying ‘I knew they were town’ - Potential TMI, Attempt to PR bait, awkwardness and on top of it, the amount of times the slot mentions certain things is quite telling.


god ur such a villager

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happy for u or sorry that happened idk
i’ll read it when im not dealing drugs dw

i read the wall and kat and i have even more reasons to think they’re w that we haven’t shared yet lol

but i’d like to see their response

and make sure i’m not conf biased to all hell

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But at least those games I actually had a read on you
(And I know this isn’t the point but Abby pretty much destroyed my scumread on you guys in botc which is why I never voted you)


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ok i read it
some of those things by themselves aren’t inherently scummy
but altogether good case

Oh and I should add on top of this the excuse of:

In response to EG (and me) both pointing out that Leafia was ignoring big discussions and attempting to avoid wolf hunting (ignoring their wolf read on Arete slot for example)

Oh yeah and a second excuse of

To explain away once again their weird reactions. This was after getting pushed plenty. It wasn’t trying something new like @Aelin ( Part of @FPSers ) did in a previous game and mentioned it from the start.

No it was when LBW ALREADY had a ton of pressure

hey abby go destroy aelins nullread poke poke
but when u reread me you too will see the light

Thanks for the clarification, didn’t know who that was at first
Vaguely curious
Bring up the game you’re referencing


Why would I do that when I could just look in a mirror


ok trochi go back to work

Overall this wall is pretty good

This feels entirely like normal leafia to me


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It was Dicey Dungeons.
You were ‘trying something new’ in the fact it was being more pushy.
But you said from VERY early on. Post 139 iirc.
Compared to Leafia who made 2 excuses and both after receiving a ton of pressure.
That’s why it seems highly different

I did already I think comment on that before.
The fact that ‘yes I can see this from Leafia’ in general, but there is reasoning why it looks worse.
And I can (and have) provided thus.

The fact that it’s coupled with their PR softing (which I personally interpret as PR baiting)

Also I’m absolutely going to trick you some day I’m just trying so hard here.
Because again, this is one of my few games I get to play with my love.
Coincidentally he’s not posted… but still, I’m carrying our hydra.
Depressing, though it may be. It doesn’t require both heads to post.
Every time I’ll get this chance, well, just being able to get it, makes me wanna do good.

I mean it is Valentines and all

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i feel this


sweet home alabama

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okay ill just respond to this now bc I already see some stuff I dont like and im ANGY
I do a whole write up on 2wolves later but this post is just bad

first things first lets go with the outright false things

This was actually part of my wallpost earlier that got deleted since you brought up this point before. It was a joke. Like I was referencing a meme. I think it was obvious in the language but I guess not. Also what you said here literally never happened.

lets talk about this vote actually
ftr, leafia made the vote as I was malding over the fact HH was going over and there wasnt much I could do about it
I was a bit mad when they made the vote actually and immediatley asked why, and they just explained that they wanted to make sure we didnt go over and someone didnt switch their votes to try and tie it. I told them I didnt think that that was what was gonna happen and they just said it couldve and it was better to be safe. Obviously more words were exchanged than that but thats the gist

We did pick up on things going in thread, we are in character (whatever that means) as we’ve said before. I dont kow what you mean by any of this

Okay this is something im actually like a lil bit peeved about. When I said I was sheeping leafia, everyone was like “why would you ever do that”. Guys, Leafia is good. Ill say it. They make good reads. She is right more than me, way more than me. My reads are wrong way more often than Leafias. I trust Leafia more than I trust myself. I am willing to trust their judegement in the end as they also have more experience than me I believe. The fact that people used this to push me even made me upset bc I think it also invalidates leafia as a player which is honestly a bit rude.

idk what you’re talking about here literally at all, like seriously what

Anyway, dismissing that stuff, heres my response to the rest of it that isnt just blatant shading and downplaying/uplaying (though it all is so :P)

First things first, almost this entire thing is about Leafia. I’m mentioned like, once. And a thing to note is that Leafia is, on average, scummier as town. I think the reason this entire thing is about Leafia is because they’re the easier one to push.

is this a scumslip (no actually)
also we literally did go after people on our wagon
you are someone who was on our wagon
tf are u talking about

This entire section ignores the fact that yeah, if there wasnt a push on us, then none of the scummy stuff wouldve shown. But that push happened and it showed your alignment. You’re trying to use the excuse that every scummy thing we’ve pointed out is OMGUS just bc it has to do with how youve pushed us. Scum can push people too, and you are blatanly ignoring that fact to make honestly dumb points. If we ignore every post of you pushing on us, then you have no content this game bc ur too busy pushing us than doing anything noteworthy

What is your point here, like at all?
We’ve mentioned TSP about 28 times, and you 37 times. 1, thats less than a 10 post difference, and 2, OF COURSE WE FUCKING HAVE WE’VE BEEN PUSHING YOU THE ENTIRE GAME! You are the slot that we know is scum. Personally, I don’t even remember the Arete discussion that well, but I know I stated my opinion on it during the time, so did leafia as you mentioned in that post. (and then said they didnt even tho they literally did)

I get that you’ve been playing as a solo wolf hydra this entire time, but you do realize that Leafia had someone to talk to who read TSP as town from that interaction, right?

Yeah literally none of these things are true and I’m lowkey aggravated that people called this a villagerlly post.
If this post alone doesn’t show how kiiruma is scum building a case on us with literally nothing, than theres no convicing you. (or ur just scum)

Bye bye kiiruma, you are scum, I win, ggez

Try not to sound so fake next time btw. Just a gentle piece of advice