Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

what is village indicative of them then and why is everyone townreading them wrong

this is lowkey making me reconsider my read on your hydra

idk how to ask this without sounding insulting but how much experience do you have with Leafia?

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idk how to answer ‘what would be village indicative of them’ beyond saying ‘none of what they posted is’ (like I guess I could post a list of towntells for them but I’m sure there are things they could do that I would think are villagery that aren’t on the list)

I don’t really … understand people’s reasons for townreading them (like as in I am unsure what those reasons are) … beyond the players who said they were sheeping other players, which isn’t super compelling :joy_cat:

two very opposite impulses are screaming at me as i read this and i hate it

I mindmelded with them on two or three separate things nigh-instantly, overall their tone has been good and I don’t think their questions have been wack
I’m aware they’re both capable of playing good scumgames but rn they seem towny enough and that’s enough for me to slap a townread on them and re-eval later if necessary


impulse 1 says okay yeah arete didn’t give a giant list of obviously fake made up towntells for cat and maybe wolf arete would have actually explained more of what is villagery for cat and tried more to actually answer the question

impulse 2 is screaming sirens and a red flag @ me and i only vaguely know why

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quote them

Chloe has mostly fixed her tonal gap afaik and katze doesn’t have one

like these are both ‘townread Arete for writing wallposts’ or ‘townread Wind for posting a lot’ tier reads imo





  • Brad

Mobilequoting is pain and we were born to suffer
You’re talking to the person who like
only reads tone
I go with my gut, the same gut that caught several deep wolves when no one else did, the same gut that was able to find fellow townies good when no one else could, the same gut that could consistently read Alice, and the same gut that is decent at reading people I have no meta on and getting accurate reads. I make mistakes, but I have learned that if I don’t trust my own gut I accidently shoot townies. There have been games in which I trusted a public shotlist and neglected my own gut feelings and guess what, I was right. Some things can’t be explained with “reason”, it just works. You should try trusting intuition more. I really don’t try to have a massive ego, it’s just I want people to recognize my gift.

gortaelin hydra

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seems like Probably Something You Really Believe regardless of whether it’s actually correct

also for the benefit of Brad you can make your dashed lines work right by putting a \ in front of them, like so:


which turns into


They tried cutting my head off but didn’t burn it
It grew back and now it’s a gorta/aelin/brad hydra nod nod :hmmyes:


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Is that literally your only thought on it

(This was Aelin)

I’m doing it on purpose because it looks neat.

This was Brad

I don’t personally think any of those posts are particularly villagery for kat/Chloe, they are all pretty fakeable

if I had thought that they were actually super villagery for them or whatever I would have said so :wowee:

but I believe that you-as-town, having seem them have all the same thoughts as you, would find them villagery

(although the second one doesn’t really seem like an instance of that since you say (seemingly jokingly?) that you’re sheeping them, and thus had clearly already seen their post before you posted it)

it is a little yikes that kat made an instant-180 from voting Trochi for the subhuman post to shading me for questioning the subhuman post but I kind of think this is confbias talking rather than anything real