Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

Usally I feel their town in their wolf games.

Which I don’t feel currently from their posts.

Which in my mind am calling towny.

  • Ruby

I didn’t remember or know you town read us so ah not that.

  • Ruby
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mmmm ok

can you expand on your read on katto? or if you have point me to it im lazy atm


0 scum reads, sorry.

As for melody, not sure. All i know is they voted us and i forgot why.

Probably not as of right now

(I don’t think there’s been a single game people remember any of my posts and always gets called Wolfy it’s why I liked the wobbuffet gimic cause people were forced to read my posts)

  • Ruby

he’s a dick

Hey Litten,

Like I said, I’m trying to get Dum to be more coherent with his macro worldview.

Please don’t ask about specific reads on d1.
I straightforward don’t want them to focus on present moment and specific person.

You could see them going for all the wagons rushed, scum supporting etc.
They are bit of intuition based right now, however I want them to stay on this track right now.

Thanks in advance
~resident headache causer

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On kat?

Its that she hasn’t done something specific I watch for from W!Kat.

So I can’t really link a post in the game to it cause it doesn’t well exist? And that’s why I have that read.

  • Ruby

That pfp is so bad

PS: I’m hiring you as my frontline speaker. You get 2 sardines daily.

You still haven’t fucking given me my magikarps and you expect me to believe that you will pay me sardines?

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Will be back in 30ish




Oh is that why I had a headache for the entirety of my semis game

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I actually did.
They were just late by several months, remember? :stuck_out_tongue:
And hence probably not fresh

Jokes aside, read what I wrote earlier to you. Me as resident headache casuer, not Dum.

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lol hi orange



Is c chloe

If so tell kat he’s a dick for me :kissing_heart: