Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

Does it look like I want to employ any manner of behavioral analysis on jake
I don’t think it’s out of character, especially given the circumstances

no catch all here

It’s all about archetypes
Not meta

archetype me coward


gold what do you think about kiiru’s entrance?


Why does every back and forth like this feel like me + jake from EW5

little bitch

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I am in the middle with that one right now.

I think they have a pretty visible thought process behind everything they say.

Don’t care if this wasn’t the answer you were looking for as I know it was quite hedgy


think the slot is >rand v for the reasons i outlined earlier, being that neither head of the slot strikes me as a player to bother attempting a derpclear especially due to the nature of this game making it such a blatant one. i’ve melded with them a couple times too. also they had a post which was like “i’m having a bad game how do you have this read” in response to me townreading them, and i feel like a wolf would want to draw less attention to the fact they are “having a bad game” (at least if that’s their own belief).

gotta head off for now, i’ll probably be able to lurk on mobile but i’ll be back in an hour-ish


Seth slot has higher than rand chance of being W seeing as neither that slot or my slot were given the gun.
And I think if anyone saw me as a threat, it’d be Seth.

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work with me through it, do u think that that visible thought process is town ai or scum ai? lets get out of the hedgezone

one final thought, i’m kind of surprised no one has really made a read on our slot…

meh i’ll let y’all ponder it


i made a post earlier


its because I forgot who u r I know ur aelin but idk the other head


i have you as pretty solid town but i didn’t want to say it because you were being annoying


ohh ok


I have never played with jake so I wouldn’t know what kind of scummy archetypes you are actually talking about because you are not elaborating.

So when you say

I don’t exactly follow

I joke

considering that there’s no reason they’d be thinking they’re having a bad game as either alignment I slightly disagree

this eye is faulty

the eyes of bingus should never deceive

the blindfold may cover us but we see all