Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

what’s I miss

you got shot



Nothing can drag me down atm.
Used a app which partners with restaurants to reduce waste

Ordered a bag for £4.50 and got 2 cheesecake slices and 2 croissants when usually they charge like £4 for 1 slice of cheesecake.

My sweet tooth is hype af to get this home.
On mobile for now.
The rain just soothes me

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@Cheese90 where is clonedcheese


i also think one of gold crystal/hoodheroes are mafia and seth the king did a pretty suspicious post by exclaiming he didnt know his partner posted already i feel like ur much more likely to not communicate well as mafia since it isnt really mandatory for solving

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also the eevee hydra is way too pasive feel like thats some mafia gaming there it seems like they are here to just police thread and steer is whenever but i havent read like half the game so maybe they have been carrying

so basically everyone sucks except the mist torchi hydra and 2wolves1hydra

I think jake is a nerd for doing that

I can drag you down.

Same app.

Cheese soup.
Chicken curry with rice and salad.
Spicy tortilla
Cream dessert with forest fruits.



my only townread is seth


bradwei/hoodheroes actually kinda lighter townreads as well

which leaves 1 villager in g+c/s+k/frank/cheese/2wolves if all three reads are right


gonna eat breakfast then reread g/c thoughts on jake since i think there’s notable stuff in that interaction


is seth insane this game or mildly comprehensible

That sounds amazing.
But cheesecake satisfies the sweet tooth more than cream dessert & forest fruits.
And I’m 99% sweet.

I would say I almost find Seth more comprehensible than the other hydra head
Which is not a thought I particularly like
But I don’t really like much at the moment so whatever

Because he’s listening to his hydra partner’s reads instead of doing his own thing


the team is sonic zweilous kiiruma and SoS

it’s actually obvious from all the subtle ways they’ve been defending each other

i don’t think me defending zweilous is subtle at all


i guess not
your loss once he flips wolf and we kill you next

nice argument


you’re super confbiased and your bullheaded confidence in the face of an obvious cause for reevaluation makes you a liability if you’re a villager
