Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

So either I need you to be wolf or I need you to never get the gun because if you do get the gun, you’re going to force me to have the gun

nah you’re probably last on my kill list and i’ll prob die before i get to you

HH is town and im never rescinding this

if you think im town they are town


i think their push on seth is pretty uncharitable and it’s giving me hesitations on the slot

not a super confident read but i think they almost have to be a wolf in a frank/kiiru v/v world


wait that math doesn’t work out ignore this part


i guess it’s also possible kiiruma is just TMIing seth


my advice to you is to wait until seth flips wolf and then enter damage control on why we shouldn’t kill you

it’s not uncharitable and i follow on with p much everything she’s saying, i didn’t think she was right at first and looking over it again i do think LP wasn’t wolfy but seth was handling v!jake exactly like how i thought wolf him would

if any of kiiruma’s reads really look like tmi it’s hoodheroes


is all of this because I told you to suck an egg?
I would do it again


nah its cuz u randed mafia

here now
taking D1 very chill seeing how I’m incredibly busy up until 6 hours from now

oh it’s 10/11

who has gun now

thethethe and they’re gonna shoot u

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no sorry I actually randed Archie try again


damn i wish i randed myself

I still want to know who randed Daisy and Gatsby btw


I’ve had 0 communication with my hydra this entire game so this is gonna be fun

I’m fine with getting the gun, just gonna be annoying when y’all yell at me for shooting wrong in LyLo :stuck_out_tongue:

I can confirm that I am one of those two flavors