Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

which one
black and white tuxedo or gray tabby?


I donā€™t know my cat classifications well enough

Anyway if I do get the gun probably gonna be looking for people that went ā€œoh donā€™t shoot me pleaseā€ and/or ā€œyou should shoot this person insteadā€, mostly the first one

This is popcorn with no analysis to speak of, so first two shots are usually ~rand

Trying to affect that usually indicates ā€œtrying very hard to look townyā€ = scum

also who the fuck is riv and who tf is nova
signing like that aint helpin :/

wtf is up with communication this game lmao

At lunch for 20 minutes.


I love waking up, taking a shower, getting a cup of joe, and seeing that apparently I need to go read whatever Seth decided to do last night.

Daisy is a black and white tuxedo and Gatsby is a gray and white tabby


iā€™m Riv aka trochi
my other half is Nova aka mist

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Yeah cause I just left the office now lmao, sorry about that


i googled tabby cat and idk why but this cat looks hilarious to me


Glad you clarified because I could only picture NovaSiva.
And Iā€™m not sure that paints you in a good like mentally.

pinches nose
Okay. So, Iā€™m thinkingā€¦ Iā€™m pretty much lost at this point. I donā€™t even know how to feel about the whole Jake debacleā€¦
Iā€™m stillā€¦ mildly confident on SoS? Our interactions havenā€™t felt natural and a lot of the back-and-forths have just insults or shade rather than actual communication.
Zwelious is just, soā€¦ meh. Theyā€™re playing anti-town but Iā€™m not convinced itā€™s not just willaging. Same with Sonicandknuckles, except that they feel more actively hostile.
Omg is a scumlean simply because they feel like theyā€™ve intentionally been going under the radar, and from my last hydra with Brad I know he likes to intentionally poke at people with certain tidbits of information in order to get townread and I havenā€™t been seeing any of that here.


Did this get answered by Wazza on my behalf or do you want me to answer this now?
I need to cook dinner and call my parents but I can give a quick list or just write an extensive wallpost after i do the other things


doesnā€™t tabby mean it needs orange

I am Gatsby

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tabby means cat is striped


nvm im thinking of calico
i smort

that cat has infinite knowledge and will do evil with it

I donā€™t know who or what that is

your slot contributed to this as well

thank you for the information
also calico cats are majority female btw


Thatā€™s how back and forths work, yes.


wtf this guy could eat a dog