Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

I’m tired. Explain this like I’m three.


Hi, Wind here, Wazza said cheese is scum so I came back to read a bit
I don’t think cheese is lockscum and tbh this thing of not reading the OP or whatever is going on lines up consistently with how he also gave a “read” in min/GGhana even though they were holding the gun
In short, I’m not going to permaclear him off what may or may not be a derp since it can be faked, but I don’t think it’s that condemning


I plopped you in my townreads and gave very little explanation tbh so I’m part of the problem


she was basically like also I just had a thought I have the perfect video to post if we ever get the gun
she went to her computer to get it and linked me a few minutes later so my answer is no she probably didn’t have the idea pre-rand
this was yesterday at about 2:30 so a bit later than I thought


Slayer’s Gambit is when a player acts intentionally scummy in order to get some sort of reaction or some other means. In this case, to get the gun.

Post-hoc, as in I decided after the fiasco that it would be a Slayer’s Gambit.

I have no idea why that would lead to a townread because I had a very unimpressive read on you for completely unrelated reasons, but if you’re saying the people who townread your gambit too quickly could be wolves, I’m interested in who it was


Well, for one there’s Cheez

2W1H is also a little suspicious because of that.

I’d need to reread to find other examples.

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Well, that directly contradicts itself, because if you only decided afterwards that it was a slayer’s gambit, then it was not intentional.


If you do can you quote them, not link them? It makes them easier to read.


May nut have been intentional, but you can still salvage something from it.


That’s… what I’m asking you to do, yes.


Thanks, I definitely want to look at cheese later anyway and also how everyone else has been handling their slot because there’s probably something AI there in some way or another
I think 2w1h is town from what I said earlier but I can take another look at what happened around the time of the shot

I would just call that an unplanned RT tbh
Idk if that’s the proper term for it but I get what you mean

I think my play, as toxic as it was, might just be an untapped stream of reads gold.

Too bad I’ll need to toss it away due to it being known to the state of california to cause cancer.


Please stop patting yourself on the back and do the things that might make it useful. I will as well when I get home in fifteen minutes.


rude thoughts

it’s not “an unplanned rt”, it’s called playing poorly and getting bailed out after causing someone else to die for your own selfish reasons

I would, but I’m currently busy.

Get Eli to do it. Or Gold.


Eli doesn’t exist and Gold doesn’t want to play the game anymore.


Neither do I, for that matter, but I’m here regardless.

I still sort of exist
Less motivated than before but still here nonetheless

gold and crystal are towh