Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

game doesnt revolve around you wake up arctic

Crap I forgot to sign, Iā€™m still Windward

bruh u just said u were trying to make peace with me
i reject ur peace offering

why are we barely interacting this game when we both basically know each other are v

we need to do a pymm2 pls

almost all the seth stuff was me and you said its related to the peace ammendment i think im the one whos confused here in which case i apologise

Itā€™s actually a piece offering
Theyā€™re offering you a piece of shit


dota stop blocking comms

no i donā€™t want lol in this hydra


Thatā€™s actually a good question lmao idk
Probably because every time weā€™ve been in thread at the same time weā€™re too busy pushing other slots

i know i got voted out as mafia once not as town iirc

You almost got voted out in that NUF2 game here but I think you maybe got NKā€™d instead?

wow with this kind of talk u might go before frank

One of you liked that post so maybe youā€™ll also go before frank

i always almost get voted out because im naturally sus then post a bunch of nonsense become unreadable and then get nightkilled later or get endgamed


i am being betrayed by my own partner

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if ur v im just disappointed dota didnā€™t pog like in higurashi

can we get dota at home
dota at home:

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electricity and magnetism sucks

im pogging right now then will disappear for a week again

so enjoy me while you can