Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

Oh BTW if you’re both typing at the same time and it prompts you to reload or delete the draft, just delete it
I didn’t realize until Wazza told me in the previous game that it only deletes the draft on your device and not someone else’s

That’s why duct tape exists instead


yooo thanks good shit
you are town


we dont learn duct tape in our astronomy course unfortunately

if that’s what it takes to make you realize the slot is v im just gonna accept it

You learn about electromagnetism in your astronomy class? Damn

good you are learning

It’s ok I taped myself together I guess it was good enough

we are not losers we dont read
we need a third member then we will start reading he is the duct tape

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yeah i got programming calculus2 and electromagnetism at the same time, you can probably see why i suddenly died

Rip, I’ll bring duct tape for your funeral

am i the only one who thinks cape posts exactly like seth

btw i don’t think the cheese head pushing me as wolf rlly makes any sense cuz their team would have prob told them they are about to be shot and since im the main force trying to keep them alive they probably wouldn’t bite the hand thats feeding them unless it’s some big brain play to make me argue more against them being shot by making it look liken they’ll shoot me if they get shot which i obv don’t want to happen since we’ll be in lylo

I tried to parse that sentence but my brain decided to call it quits
I guess you’re basically saying a wolf about to get shot would probably not wolfread someone trying to save them?


imagine wanting this man dead hes so wholesome

My friend just texted me to ask if I’m pranking him but I’m pretty sure he got contacted by a spambot
Life is good, bring the chaos

i dont have an opinion on anything cheese posted except posts about us theres no way mafia doesnt push us when we are most fragile unless youre scared of getting flamed for tmi but it perfectly makes sense for townies to want us dead earlier too

im also extremely biased because they townread the same type of players as i do

why are you hardly being pushed tho

like i think SoS treatment of u is incredibly w/w cuz their read on your slot is “literally just shoot” but other than that they don’t try to push or work with you in any way