Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

whats annoying about scumreading someone over interactions

I literally said the post there about lol/dota as a slight joke and show of repulsion to the disgusting thing they said.
Did you not read?

to be fair ive read 2wolves iso and they mentioned seth a bunch of times for no apparent reason tho the you(seth) comment is kinda based idk if its exactly w/w material


@2Wolves1Hydra can you answer this it’s important

i wanna see if you’re thinking the same thing i am


pretty obvious you wanted me dead though

Sadly it’s T/W material.
So am I not based? Just redpilled?

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It would mean that G&S or Hood hellbussed Sett, which judging with the way Wind played in Moison I would end up pointing to the Hood hydra in that.

  • Brad

youre yiffpilled

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Scumreading someone over interactions, fine.

No need to be a fucking asshole though.

  • Brad

Well the thing wrong with the gamestate is that people seem content in you/me dying and if you’re actually town then they’re content in one of us having what would be the potential game losing shot.

Since we can afford one miss and the other one would be a mis-shoot and lose.

If I had to guess it’s because people might believe we’d be more likely to be wrong?

Perhaps there’s a deepwolf? Or two?

calm down lad i dont have the intention of being an asshole im just here to play mafia lol

Then chill the fuck out then and fuck off.

  • Brad

jesus man if youre town then just ignore my push or something do the normal stuff youd do

idk why youre so salty im treating everyone the same rn

oh wait this post was obviously a joke in context why did no one say this sooner
dang it 2girls1cup you silly sausage

why is this your assumption
you haven’t seen me wolf i don’t think


ohhhh thats what they reacted to AHAAAHAHAHAHAAHA
