Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

I’m trying to, but dealing with lacking sleep the past few days and a few other things that are pissing me off IRL isn’t getting me in the type of mood to get into details of the game.

  • Brad

take a break then

I fucking hate you

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i know you dont like wolfing but what about lol

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hes fine with it but he busses a lot

I’ve wolfed with Windward fairly recently. She spent a majority of the time trying to distance or push on teammates to get into a better position, which she ended up end gaming and winning. Some of the bussing was a tad bit unneccessary because it just made the game longer, but it worked out in the end since we won.

  • Brad

i like scumming in specific circumstances
like in raven mafia me and eva agreed to do wacky stuff and it was hilarious
or in mu anni i was chad narukami so i could just post persona 4 memes when i wanted to

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ok but this is a bad assumption when you dont know how i wolf, i could do the same thing

oh yeah that was you
we were like some of the last wolves standing

oh i forgot you were there too wassup scumbuddy

game feels solved so not much to do, i should prepare for my programming exam

Should I be telling Jake and Eli to shoot you now?

  • Brad

no but i dont get why you assume if there’s a deepwolf it’s wind who bussed and not me just because you know wind busses
you’re filling the gaps without fairly trying to find out where you could be going wrong

Could be pulling a Transcend and just outing to me and I don’t pay attention to it because I think he’s joking.

  • Brad

I mean, I can only go by experience at times. I’m not bothering looking at someone’s scumgame in the past unless I either completely respect the player and I want to have a 100% read on them, I’m in a F3 and I have hammer and I need to find info about each player, or I’m flat out try harding which you won’t see me do on this site because I still get discombobulated reading it.

I’ve wolfed with Windward twice, granted the second time I was more paying attention. I can figure out what they want to do more as a wolf and get an alignment read on them with that.
I’ve done the same with a fair amount of people that I’ve wolfed with. I learned how to read Hally and Neo/Anne mainly among other players that I’ve teamed with.

I haven’t seen your wolf game, nor have I teamed with you, so I’m not going to have much to say about what you do as a result.

  • Brad
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Gee thanks
I see you can’t tell the difference between a push I don’t actually want to make and a push that I will push until either they or I die

Tbf actually
Eevee and I were at each other’s throats and actually overdid the distancing to the point where one of us had to flip
We got kinda stuck scumreading each other so it’s not unreasonable to assume I’d do the same thing again
The difference is that I think my motivation here is pretty clearly different and also that I’d literally never be able to pull off a coordinated gambit like that with Seth because he doesn’t ever read wolfchat and also it would involve coordinating between like 8 people (4 wolf hydras) so that would be a headache and waste of time if anything. The other thing is that it’s just detrimental to wolves in this setup to hellbus each other because it literally only kills wolves and accomplishes nothing else.

i understand why he thinks it but at the same time if he doesn’t know whether or not i buss then assuming that a hypothetical wolf who is bussing is you is kinda meh

anyway i was looking through seth’s iso and the first thing i saw of relevance was him trying to throw himself at me

oh boy


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my limited brad meta says brad is towny actually so i think i may have to agree with sos
dota agrees with threadstate meanwhile im the parnoid grandpa in the corner warning the kids that the end is near