Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

The thing is Wind, if someone is shot and they’re a townie, then it causes the death of the shooter.
I don’t want to have the gun because it means that a townie has to die to allow me to do so.

I have already pointed out that me asking to be shot was somewhat disingenuous. And I rescinded it soon after.

Asking to be shot is like saying ‘Hey, like, I want the IC to die so can we vote them out?’ to say it’s anti-town and verging on throwing is a fucking understatement.

So it doesn’t matter what my confidence levels or adrenaline levels are. I want a fucking townie to not die, so I don’t want them to mis-shoot me. As it brings us closer to the game ending in a loss. If they shoot someone else it can hit a wolf (potentially) and so I’m much happier for them to shoot a 3/7 than a townie and then let me do the 3/7.

I ran out of likes, help

yeah you killed SoS

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reaction testing doesn’t work on clear villagers


Yes it does because it’s just making sure whether a person is paying attention to a game.
You don’t need a reaction test to be specifically to catch a scumslip

Reaction testing also doesn’t work when the “dead” slot is very much alive and in the thread


yes it does i am doing the classic reaction test because i am getting nothing out of it

when the Townie is Glass


this is why you didn’t get to be deviant


But I did get to be the barista who gave Whysper rat poison


dota is a furry, im pretty sure atleast one of mist/trochi is one too looking at the avatar… smh



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brad slot can easily be mafia and i have hardly thought about them this entire game but the problem is i dont trust them with the gun like at all
mainly cuz idk what their reads are

There are many furries among us

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I mean if I’m being honest, at the least I would be fine with the person dying if they already hit 1 wolf?

I’d feel much worse if their first shot was a misfire.

But it is in poor taste to ask for the gun and someone else to die in general so I see the point you’re making.

  • BRad

Neither is a furry, they just got inspiration from Kiiruma and friend.


Ok, I understand your point

But in that case, why don’t you just push for your scumreads to be shot instead? What’s wrong with advocating for them to be killed, it’s not like people will veto the shot purely off of preflipping you. If you’re 2/2 you can just go ham with pushing your reads and work together with the rest of us to solve, instead of focusing on being townread.


Fine, WOLF furry.
IDK what fursonas others have because I don’t wanna judge but Jake is a ‘Wolfie’, I’m a Wolf Furry and so’s my partner

There was 1 very brad brad post earlier
Can’t quote well rn but it was actually kinda okay
