Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win


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can we actually not shoot until deadline tho pls

the game literally cant last longer than a week anyway we dont need to rush

That is a long time to be dating someone. Have you considered getting married?


Whatā€™s bad about it? Iā€™m explaining why I can see a certain thing happening and how I figure out someoneā€™s game by teaming with them.

  • Brad

I am only furry adjacent.


it could isnt day like 48 hours

unless we are goated it porbably will

Who the hell is ā€œSā€


interesting you assumed geyde was saying it was bad, he was just saying it was ā€œbradā€

day 1 was 48 hours everything else is 24

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I was about to say thereā€™s at least one and possibly two or all three wolves in the thread but now thereā€™s enough of us in the thread that itā€™s guaranteed anyway and I look dumb for saying this

Yay me


I havenā€™t heard anything positive about me in the past 4 hours. So why would I expect different?

  • Brad

Yeah it said Brad Brad didnā€™t it lmao


Thereā€™s like 3 wolves in-thread, and 0 scumbois


i think u are a cool guy brad

grabbing the post again.


and i appreciate ur dedication as either allignment u usually dont go this hard as mafia and as town ur still trying to not fall over and die so i respect it keep it up king

Sussy Baka

I like Brad but he seems too deflated right now compared to what I wouldā€™ve expected? Idk what to make of that but Iā€™m putting it on the back burner momentarily while I figure out what Geyde was trying to accomplish by pointing out that a Brad post was, in fact, written by Brad.


to the point of gc saying that they couldnā€™t remember a single post
Iā€™ve already mentioned this sentiment earlier on
and I remember that post because it felt like it was going to go somewhere