Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

Bruh I explained it, lmao.

  • Brad

apologies i am indeed a furry. sorry for lying. a sturgeon furry to be exact,

here is the photo of my fursona


deflated brad means mafia from what ove seen

tho usually he is less in thread than this so i say its like 70/30 mafia

i swear u had a cat one also

Sadly Iā€™m a University student and we donā€™t exactly have a lot of income. Weddings arenā€™t cheap.
Heā€™s the love of my life, of course Iā€™ve thought about it.

Itā€™s why I like doing games with him, itā€™s one of many ways we share affection and enjoyment.

Itā€™s why I have this hydra in the first placeā€¦ He doesnā€™t post much but just seeing our sonas together and knowing we can do things together, makes me feel so happy.

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I was thinking Iā€™d be fun and put on a show if I was shot and got the gun.

Now it might be 24 hours of me yelling at everyone and shooting who I hate the most at that moment.

  • Brad

I mean, I remember Bradā€™s posts as well as Illweiā€™s
I definitely remember the fake readlist lmao, that was the first one I saw
Thereā€™s something else but I canā€™t be arsed to type stuff now, gonna sleep instead

youre stupid

that fake readslist was
god thatā€™s just a riot to see all the reactions to it


Yeah Iā€™ve wolfed with him a couple times and also against him
Thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to gauge his motivations for certain things
Iā€™m not at a solid read yet but Iā€™ll come back to this tomorrow probably

i still dont understand the fake readlist btw

illwei says she didnt read the game but if you read the post you can see that it clearly references things that happened in the game

Okay, so S is just trochidekaphile?


but yeah this game has been a drain on the emotional front
same thing with ew but from a different angle

I get to see other people fight a ton

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If I had the will to, Iā€™d totally draw a wedding for you two.


whys everyone so emotionally drained? cheer up lads we are doing fine
solid poe and the momentum is in our direction

sounds like d1 was just bad we both skipped it other tthan selective isos we made a good decision ez life

i was upset that the first shot was taken early and that jake did the things he did but i didnt handle it very well
and the stuff with gghana/min kinda
i still havent rlly fully recovered but im happy to play the game atm which is good

I donā€™t think it was a total dumpsterfire except an hour of crying and shitting at the 24-hour mark but it calmed down after that too

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Which one is this?

  • Brad