Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

good morning gamers the cool head is here

-Riv (f)

and i think this is super outing because seth is probably bad at handling w/w interactions, this isnt meant as a jab because its a hard thing to control im just saying that its a very efficient way of reading people rn

i’m disappointed in everyone including myself


part of the reason i dont understand why half of hh is pushing cheese theyre super cleared from seth, he treated them almost the same way as he did thethethe

im proud of everyone just 3-4 more shots and we win keep up the pace boys

when did you become alive


24 hours ago, look at who the second top poster is

i have become the very thing i swore to destroy

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hi bingus


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did anything important and good happen


on a macro sense yes
but i think he explicitly talked about cheese less

the assumption i’m making is that he was implicitly treating cheese the same way as jake by getting ready to push HH from that post he said HH was tmi’ing cheese town

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so what, that makes cheese scum? im kinda confused by your point

no im agreeing but i don’t think it was as obvious as it was with jake

oh yeah i got a fuckign bone to pick with y’all
NOW you think we might be town?
give me progression


why did you reply to that post
and no i refuse

thats not a high bar because jake is hella obvious from interactions

it was your most recent post and too tired to find the right one
but yeah i want an apology when we flip
