Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

well yeah i havent

i saw it once and thought woah thats cool and thats it

For some reason I thought this said no multi-iso and I was about to agree but realized I misread this lol


I only have a couple minutes so Iā€™m going to quote random posts and make a comment and leave


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Reaction to my longass complaint about the fake readlist because I didnā€™t know it was fake while backreading (but SoS told me it was fake after I replied to it lol)

Idk if this is AI for Brad but it could be AI for SoS

This in response to Cape calling Illwei town? I think? Didnā€™t really get the context but itā€™s probably relevant

Brad says here heā€™s gonna pay attention and steer the ship
Then proceeds to to lurk, complain heā€™s being scumread, and not steer anything at all
Idk man

This is oddly self-centered
Like if you have reads youā€™d want to push them and at least try to get the vig to consider them, right? But basically Brad is saying if he had the gun he wouldnā€™t want to be told whom to shoot and would just shoot whomever he wanted, so he wants the vig to have that chance. But everyone else is contributing suggestions anyway to influence the vig, and also the idea that Brad would just spite shoot into the crowd because heā€™s pissed off is not super appealing
I canā€™t say itā€™s an obvious wolf gambit but it could go either way and I donā€™t really think heā€™s doing enough to be a bitter villager rather than a deflated wolf
Doesnā€™t he usually have more fight in him?

Ok so I really did literally pick random quotes to comment on
Anyone wanna talk before I go back to work?


Also I canā€™t tell if most of the random quotes were from Brad because I did a bad job of picking random quotes, or if Brad just outposted Illwei and thereā€™s proportionally more from him


tbh thats kind of a gamer gambit i would expect it more of a bitter villager than wolf
im sure dota disagrees with me

After this post Brad came back sometime later and said his head was empty so Iā€™m not sure where he was going with the ship steering idea


brad has the thing that says brad next to it to his posts

i think its been majorly brad

lurking and doing nothing IS scum meta so yeah brad is pretty safe

Encourage the vig to ignore the consensus and shoot anyway, and say heā€™d do it himself in that position?
Idk maybe you have a point
I just think specifically encouraging the vig to shoot whomever they want is the weird part
Because if Brad believes his reads enough that heā€™d ignore consensus to hero shoot, why doesnt he just push his reads for the vig to listen to? I donā€™t even think thethethe has been scumreading Brad anyway so giving his reads probably wouldā€™ve had some influence.




Idk if you get what I mean
Like heā€™s projecting onto Jake/Eli by saying fuck consensus, shoot who they want cause thatā€™s what heā€™d do
But that implies Brad is confident enough to shoot who he wants
And he doesnā€™t have that level of confidence when asked about his reads so thereā€™s a disparity


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if brad is town in this scenario thatā€™s his way of saying he has no reads so he wont listen to anyone ig





yeah when seth was talking to LP about who to shoot they briefly brought up kiiruma but then went actually no

these are the 4 sussiest interactions the odd one out to me is kiiruma because he actually comes to a conclusion, he also seems genuinely pissed that hes getting scumread just for his reputation
all 3 others are just random talk with no purpose which is yuck sussy material