Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

lecture finished early so i’ve got some time to respond to stuff, gimme a sec


do u have any spicy takes as of this second

  1. No clue
  2. I’ve mostly skimmed tbh because I slept in then was getting things sorted for this today
  3. Gameplan is to not be shot so I dont have to shoot others. Let people read me as I am.
  4. I enjoy cheese as a piece of food. The slot, not sure. Nothing stands out as like too bad atm to me from my skim. I want to look more in depth
  5. GGhana is a wildcard player to me and so a risk that I think wolves wouldnt usually just want to take. But we have my slot which… I’ll be honest, I’m not the best at FM and Seth who also isn’t very accurate, making me think we would be better initial gun targets. I think also Seth slot would choose not to have me have a gun due to knowing that I know them well. So Seth slot has that against them to me

pawn to e4

why do you think Seth chose us

why do you think the wolves chose us



That’s cluedo

I win

You lost


i know this was a joke, and you probably are going to put 0 weight into what i’m about to say, but i feel like i… pretty obviously wouldn’t give you guys the gun? both heads of your hydra love to suspect me immediately like, every game, and then later i will end up pocketing you regardless of my alignment. giving you guys the gun first is… exactly what i don’t want to do

yes, there are other wolves who can weigh in on the decision but i’m loud and annoying, i would get my way in the end

i mean, there kinda is? they’ve been kinda struggling to get into the game at least from what i can see, and my point was they would try to draw less attention to this as a wolf

i’m guessing this means not what i initially thought you meant
we haven’t really talked much? the only real thing is about jake’s and SoS’s openers and their interactions together, and waiting to see how they played out

well, the first post was mainly an impulse response to the “derpclear” post but i realized later that i was putting too much weight into it and i guess i reflected that in my later posts
plus giving anti-consensus snapreads gives me dopamine when they turn out to be correct

i don’t know, is cheese being a villager considered a spicy take? that’s the closest thing i have atm, i guess


do you actually think that we would snapshoot you

or anyone


you seem less waffle-y this game

and that makes me want to village read you

yet you are playing differently to your village game where i wolfread you

so i’m kinda at a loss

do you feel like you are playing differently?


tracks ig


I realized that I was giving too much credit to the people around me
Basically I was playing around slots rather than playing with slots

Plus it helps that me and eevee talked about theory for a bit

are you taking this approach because you think it will get you less wolfread or because you think it will help you to get a better solve?


Because I think most of the slots this game feel solid. Except mine but Seth would be cautious of it. Your slot is like chaotic enough that it’d be chosen by Seth and wolves if Seth is cautious of me

it’s so I don’t get constant anxiety


why are you finding the game painful atm?

i don’t think it’s been anywhere near as bad as deus ex


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