Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

nah ur capping

stop slowrolling please

Iā€™m not lmfao

Oh and I can answer right away that I wasnā€™t ignoring it. I just wasnā€™t there.

You posted it exactly when I left work and drove back home.
It was 4:30 PM of my time.

To think Iā€™ve been given the gun in a LyLo.
This is beyond foolish.
And Iā€™m so annoyed rn

we should have waited to shoot

mist did you even give a legacy

Nope, not that I saw.
They just decided to let me have control

can you not snapshoot please
i really dont think cheese is a good shot

ok wait youā€™re trolling lol

im leaving thread until shot is processed
cant deal atm

Iā€™m sorry but youā€™re so deep in denial.
And I am town

As soon as they flip Iā€™m shooting Cheese

please do not dude i swear to god

youā€™re better than that

i will go over everything again but from what we have so far i dont think its cheese

So Iā€™m good now? Huh?
All this time youā€™ve believed Iā€™m a damn wolf and deep down I know that you know that part of that reason is you doubted I 2 for 2ā€™d.

that literally had nothing to do with it

your mindset related to the 2/2 was part of it

do not shoot cheese

thereā€™s 2 villagers in cheese hh frank sonic omg

one of them is HH

i think the other is cheese

I know why you think it, but I just donā€™t think the game is as simple as we want.
Itā€™s not just ā€˜Whoā€™s the 3 wolfiest slotsā€™ I wish it was, truly.
But Seth has at least a level of IQ to the fact that since there would be 8 people in mafia chat, they couldā€™ve planned the thing with Cheese.

Has hh been threadspewed town at this point