Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

She was referring to past games, not this one
Idk how that got misconstrued but it seems like it did

I like how everyone left the thread by the time I posted lmao


lol get fucked arctic

@2Wolves1Hydra should have shot gold hes such a sussy baka amirite


doesnt matter because cheese is getting shot and im starting to lose all hope in gold so theyre looking like a deepwolf

ive been trying to get gold to shoot omg for 2 days and they dont give a fuck and now weā€™re in lylo
and suddenly frank is town for them too?
what happened to the interactions?
im perfectly aware that me and cheese look like scumbuddies so i wont blame you for thinking this but thinking im scum with omg when i keep asking them to get shot and no one gives a fuck is just hilarious

i wont put much effort into it either we lose today or we dont and if we dont then it will be worth discussing

i like how youre still trying to assume that me playing is related to the gamestate somehow
keep trying boy maybe youll get somewhere

hes gonna say that we tmid him town i bet 50 bucks on it

i assume nothing i say will matter so ill just keep quiet
after all im ā€œscum in all worldsā€ amirite

Youā€™re not necessarily scum.
The issue is, youā€™re one of the PoE and if you are clear then Cheese90 is likely evil.
Iā€™m also not just hardclearing Frank or Brad.
I just want to go for Cheese90 and the fact that almost nobody is commenting on it or guiding me despite me giving time feels weird.

GaC was panicking at the time that Iā€™d shoot early yet hasnā€™t done much since, my overnight catchup was underwhelming.

i assume your mind cant be changed so go ahead, surprise me

im not a perfect player either maybe youre the one whos right and im the one whos wrong

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/Shot Cheese90 @Marshal @Whysper

I was gonna shoot straight away.
But I left 9 hours to see what people would say.

So far thereā€™s nothing changing my mind

Cheese90 did nothing to help their case.
Frank (another suspect) said they could be in a wolf team and then also vetoā€™d a shot on them - Giving me partner vibes
GaC has doneā€¦ almost nothing. And I know this should make me suspect them but I donā€™t want to dive down that rabbit hole, I think it goes bad if I do. I also think their reaction WHEN I got the gun feels genuine.

Brad/illwei are the safe shot. But the thing is, Iā€™m here to kick ass too.
I think Cheese90, Brad/illwei and then most other slots can still fit as the final partner.

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lol gg this town sucked


You were a wolf and this is a mis-shot?


Ugh oh well, gg.
Idk why I have to just pull a scumread on someone and it be wrong.
I had yall as a potential scum before. Yet I just decide on something else and my eyes focus there.