Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

what do you remember

i dont have time to read and dota is ignoring me so i am going to afk for now

Okay read through Seth+LP iso and they haven’t posted anything worthwhile for me to even have a read on them. That was the 1 hydra I was hoping to have a real read on by this time due to my past with Seth.

  • Brad

who made this post

i presume lol

not assuming anything though

Read through Hood iso…again I mostly got nothing from it they didn’t do much besides 1 townread?

  • Brad

read through frank and arctic pls


why don’t you read them again then

Am I talking to min or gghana


anywyas this is a lie i remember them voting in the begining (ew) and them saying cheese90 should be shot (ew)

wait hang on if your take is that their ISO was null and you don’t remember anything then why do you think this then?

why did you lie

I thought it would be funny


yeah, i asked the same thing…
idg how they have a read on us if they don’t remember anything
unless they’re making up the read lol

anyway that thing finished early so i can fulltime this for a bit


wow u all suck i was right in wanting u two dead

im pretty sure illwei is trolling but they’ve gone on for far too long if that’s the case

sorry when u gave us the gun you had to have known we would tryhard :heart::two_hearts::heart: