Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

everythign that you have said in thread is freeflowing and like carefree

I"m not saying you’re a wolf I’m just saying that I don’t like that. I like the carefreeness. I don’t know what to think about also not thinking you have had much to say despite how free flowing your words are

can i have it back

Honestly feel like this is way too much WIFOM to come from a wolf so considering Kiiruma to be town here.

  • Brad

no worstie :two_hearts::heart::two_hearts:

you said “are you making these up” and i said “yes” it’s not my fault you kept asking questions after that


I’m assuming it’s Arctic on now? Or did Aelin get a normal sleep schedule?

now that i’ve actually read the rest of this post
holy fuck is it a hot mess


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This is Brad

g = gold = arctic
c = crystal = aelin

thank you i tried

aelin’s sleep schedule isn’t currently fucked to my knowledge since she’s been at school


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Okay, I see. Was wondering if Aelin converted you to the religion of signing your posts or not.

  • Brad

yeah but if you’re making it up you should at least make it consistent girlie sweetie

first you go “arcticslot has good takes” then it goes “I remember nothing from their slot” and now “actually I don’t like their slot”

what is this

Look I havent read the game and forgot who i was talking about I can’t be blamed for this

without bringing up the actual content since a number of people already have discussed this

did you feel like you had to make a read on every slot?

this is normally a behaviour i associate with a wolf who feels like they have to do their homework.


That’s good I can figure out what you guys are doing then, cause I feel like I can read her a bit better than you knowing her thought process.

  • Brad

Why are yall beefing


wait what

where’s the wifom from their slot

they were making a comment on who the wolves chose

Why wouldn’t i

babes you can’t drop a detailed readslist on the entire game and also play the “I’m a potato who hasn’t read the game” card

actually you can that’s pretty funny