Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

honestly it just reads as brad+illwei reading too much into things without understanding how kii posts

He said it at the end of his post but he was talking about why you were chosen over other slots like his or even Seth.

He made the Seth read at the end.

Watch the product.

not yet

watch what product

If anything it’s a bad look precisely because it reaches into heavy wifom territory for a shaky at best tkae

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these sure are words that sure definitely do mean something to me uh-huh
(what the fuck is going on? is this still fm?)

brad if kiiruma is a wolf and they picked me specifically to hold the gun to shade seth there’s no WIFOM there obviously kiiruma’s gonna mention it

willing to slap a townlean on geyde for like
doing stuff
congrats geyde


Read the game.

I don’t need to lmfao

Seth hacked their account which is why Illwei and brad are playing at ascended god tier levels

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ive read the game and i have no clue what youre talking about fwiw


Why wwould me and Ghana having the gun shade seth anyways lmao

@brad just because their name is WOLFY doens’t mean they are a wolf

read the game for what

presumably because a low IQ wolf team would pick Seth because it guarantees the highest chance of a misfire with the lowest chance of clearing a town from the mafia picking someone (since Seth would be obvious town or some shit)

Wait u have a point

I explained it enough for you to know?

Come on Aelin, I would expect you to know since you actually know what you’re doing.

  • Brad

Brad not tryibg to buddy up to me slash appeal to me feels kinda towny tho tbh
