Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

brad can you take a look at frank

idk what to think of him

i donā€™t think brad is posting like a wolf who is in the slot with a partner who just massively fucked up and outted themselves by making up a fake readlist and then backing out of it

reading this head is probably easier anyway to be honest


Frankā€™s goes great on my Pizza Pop.

Sorry I had to make the joke lol.

why do you think that

Bradā€™s posting goes either way for me tbh

Itā€™s not that hard to read Illwei when you know what to look for.

I know this is biased because sheā€™s literally the same slot as me but I have a godread on her and have been right on her 100% of the games Iā€™ve played with her.

  • Brad

Let me iso.

  • Brad

Now the real question is am I the head thatā€™s licking or am I the head being licked?

i feel like heā€™d be uh
more self-aware that his slot is currently a dumpsterfire coming under pretty wide-scrutiny?
he just doesnā€™t seem to give much of a fuck and has largely ignored it


I have a town read, just a hunch though.

Iā€™m supposed to be working but I keep fming and I think that brad slot is probably town
someone remind me to elaborate when i get off thanks


Someone: Who is it?

Why itā€™s Min and GGhana the ones holding the gun silly!

why am i outed for backing out of a readslist that was so obviously faked like thereā€™s no way anyone could read that list and think it was real opinions i havenā€™t READ THE THREAD

Any other read Seth?

donā€™t hate the player, hate the game


Yeah got like a player Iā€™m like 101% sure is town other then myself

Whoā€™s that Seth?

can you like

give me an example of some posts if you get what I mean

Why itā€™s my other head LP of course! Duh!

are these different heads

if yes why are you asking in the thread and not directly

if no then why are you referring to yourself in the third person without signing posts
