Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win


I can literally just type a command and have my CIA snipers execute you immediately both in game and out.

You’ll regret joining Popcorn mafia

too late i already do


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how can i like my own partner’s post

join me on what?

Jokes on you I regretted that a long time ago.
And I’ll go out on my own terms by killing 4 Mafia or die trying.

advocating to get shot


We only have 3 misfires don’t we


Pretty sure we only have 3 missfires if we literally don’t hit a Mafia which is statistically very unlikely.
I don’t think Mafia has a night kill if I read that correct, so we have as little as 3 and as much as 6 missshots

yeah sure i wouldnt mind you being shot
you’re one of the only slots i scumread who isn’t lowposting LHF and therefore not as likely to misfire so it wouldn’t be horrendous if you were v

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I came in just to read and go again but I see LP has been in thread and people think they are me LMAO.

I refuse to have this misshot bait role hanging over me at the endgame
If you genuinely think so, then try to get them to shoot me


You are really not helping in convincing them we are not the same person.
That’s why you’re the head licking me.

perfect! we’re in agreement
@bingusbongusbangus will you do the honors
it’s a win/win/win situation
I get to actually be listened to, Nova gets to relax, and you get to be free of popcorn mafia


how do i get to be free of popcorn mafia?

Negative ghost rider


what’s the magic word

you don’t.


i think these posts don’t read like genuine thoughts and come off as more performative than anything


Yeah I just meant base chance, sorry if that was unclear
But this was going back to my point about the hypothetical situation in which cheeseslot is town and gets the gun and misfires on our slot, cause it would imply we have to shoot correctly or we lose

Also goes for literally any slot in the same position so not just cheese
Idek if the slot has a read on us, I didn’t actually check but I’d kinda assume not since we didn’t post much thus far

Btw this stems from the fact that cheese scumreads me in literally every game, otherwise I never would’ve brought this specific case up lol
