Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win




it’s literally Seth in a wig putting on a funny accent windward, it’s just Seth and Seth. The hydra heads are both Seth

because i think they’re also in his wolf range and closer to that than his townrange


the problem with having two arguments happening is that we keep eating each other’s posts trying to reply


sorry Nova

yeah townlean
just thought from the bit I skimmed in the thread that you guys were doing things that seemed progressive in terms of interactions and interrogations
I can’t point anything out specifically since it was a light read I got from a quick glance at several random clusters of posts

The hydra heads are Seth, and Seth in a kilt putting on a bad Scottish accent.

Either way they’re both Seth and they should be read as that accordingly


Damnit I’ve been bamboozled


Correction, there are 3 heads. 2 of them are Seth because he finds the idea of pretending to be me funny.

ok seth

why is it every time you rand mafia you feel the need to fake paranoia on aelin

the shtick’s old dude


Well anyway
If i can’t tell the heads apart because their reads are identical I think it’s fishy
My point still stands

OK person who willingly names himself Bingusbongusbangus

wasn’t Aelin accusing them of trying to defy the Schtick earlier

you can’t do both

i can do what i want bitch

Are you insulting Bingus

I’ll fucking execute you

if you think I am mafia advocate for me to get shot and I will happily happily join you on that
you’ve been annoying me with your tunnel all day


I have a gun

Good luck with that.