Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

you’re absolutely right I do!
I’ll consider your point on HH, I do still think they’re town but Nova is right that it feels like we have a blind spot somewhere


don’t you have one read
glass houses and shit


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what posts

link them


Yo Brad, can I ask what your reads are for this game?
Like full readslist plz.

I live in a glass house, but I also wear lots of stryofoam and I live in a box of packed peanuts

The glass shatters, and whomever is inside dies.


But I have a math test review due tomorrow and my gaddamn wr project


I feel like I can very clearly see your plan which is to make me not want to shoot you since that’s feeding into your grand plan or some shit

But I would like to point out that I don’t really care about playing chicken, and also that if you’re town you’re so clearly being utterly incompetent that even if you’re right on cheese it’s ultimately meaningless compared to vast void of fail that is your play right now and therefore I get to do one of my favourite things and make fun of people post game

so therefore since I’m going to take an enlightened guess and say that you will not link the posts and if you do the commentary will be nothing better than you writing “a villager did not write this post” I will be going to bed and waiting for Min to confirm the shot

bye forever

My respect for ghana has increased tenfold, which means it’s nearly at 0.8 percent now


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Unnatural Pacing 103, 130
Unjustified reading on me 177, 225 (this response is defendant of me), 256, 358
Lax on the reeds 319, 338, 358, 377

And that’s as much as I cared to put in before I got bored. (I stopped at 26 posts, around the halfway mark.)

if you’re town and you don’t cut this shit out then you will literally increase the collective ineptitude of this site tenfold

you will cause a brain drain of this site that it has never seen before even in its days of forum of lies

so please if you’re town

stop it

get some help

Die mad, Ghana


and I was correct

ok going to bed

you didn’t even have time to read it

why respond to it so quickly

Jake: is doing what Ghana asked them to do
Ghana: Gets angry that Jake isn’t doing the thing faster
Jake: Aight here it is
Ghana: Gets angry that Jake did what he was asked


again, it looks like if you are a villager it is you who will be dying mad since you did even less than what was required

you just linked a bunch of random posts

this is incredibly funny

Jake: But I did the thing
Ghana: But u didn’t do the thing that I wanted you to do

Jake: You didn’t ask me to do that

I’m not sure how to evaluate Jake, but I’ll use a different method then others. My Method! :upside_down_face:

Jake in this section shows annoyance I’m not knowing which hydra is talking and while it isn’t directly NAI I think it’s more TMI leaning them town as I don’t really think they would care to state this as a wolf, but maybe that’s just my opinion.

While this doesn’t mean anything at point value, if he holds himself to this the entire game there is a high chance they are town.

Well I mean this dude has stated he wants to be shot like over 5 times, not entirely sure what it means but lol.

I don’t know why, but I like this post.

This post is stating a read they want dead

Basically saying “me or them, idc either way” which IMO comes more from town then scum.

I mean the dudes contributing and making reads and they don’t sound forced or faked.

Conclusion: I’d say they are probably town actually.
Lean Town.


Nah I’m pretty sure I did before I called you LHF.

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  1. Quotes are more effective
  2. You essentially said “I got bored and stopped halfway through” and you’re wondering why people are accusing you of not putting in effort


Meh. In the morning Ghana will be dead, and I will have the gun and achieve innocence.