Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win




last game I spectated that macdougal was in he beat the town to death exactly by doing what Jake is doing right now. Taking a read and pummeling it into town

in another game alexa and guillotina were both wolves and never really explained most of their reads, basically just pummeling them into town

unearned confidence is wolfy, full stop. no exceptions

what exactly is the difference between what they did and what Jake is doing right now

Except for like
Seth, cloned, Dybu dabu, Arctic, marshal, me, leafia, etc. :grin::+1:t2:


The difference is that in this game, execution either means you die as scum or you gain IC status as town.

Guess which one Iā€™m shooting for.


why do you think I said unearned

Jake knows full well that he has no reason to be this confident on this read which is why he struggles to explain why he is



This is Brad

what does this have to do with what I said

The only opinion I have about SonicAndKnuckles is that they are a gamer.
Like when I said

This was around the type of player that I was talking about.

I think Sonic and Knuckles definitely have engagement going on with them reading back

Like when I saw this, obviously it shows them actually trying and looking back at things.

I mean itā€™s also like bad in the sense that I find it to be a humorous read on me out of all the reads on me.

Okay im struggling to get concrete things on SonicAndKnuckles. Itā€™s what they call in the industry a playstyle thing.

Unearned confidence is anti-town in general.

  • Brad

Do you think that scum would be as brazen with their confidence, and risk their powerwolf status by the whims of one person?

Do you think that scum would play so bull-headed and abrasive, when the person holding the gun would very much like to shoot them?

Do you think that I play like this under these circumstances as scum?

I feel like Iā€™m not really understanding the thread state at the moment. Iā€™m just not sure why everyone feels like thereā€™s no sense of urgency.


If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then I have no further need to speak to you.

Ok sounds fun see you after the game ends ^^

i explained why multiple times

firstly I just provided examples

secondly yes, literally the whole point of this if youā€™re a wolf is to scare me out of shooting you

again thereā€™s no reasonable motivation that can be ascribed here other than the wolf one so thereā€™s no reason for me to assume youā€™re town which is why Iā€™m beating it into your head just in case that thereā€™s an easy way out of this

Thereā€™s specific players that I feel should be confident in their reads since Iā€™ve seen them be mostly correct.
However, those players end up not having egoā€™s which makes it ironic.

  • Brad

This text is annoying to read please signal to your scumbuds in a subtler way thanks.


You should go to sleep then, and confirm your shot with min in the morning. Iā€™ll be dismayed that we lost a town member, but grateful that I will be confirmed as town.


i am finally home
and this is when the btural realization sets in that jobs are L O N G and leave no room for FM