Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

Oh hi eli

Ghana is gonna kill us lol


good that means I can hero shoot and die

whoā€™s even consensus town at this point ive only read the first 100 posts

Alright, Iā€™ll do that. Iā€™m slight confused on how Iā€™m supposed to to signal to my friends and foes otherwise, but Iā€™ll figure something out.


Other than bbb, I dunno. They interrupted my rereading of the thread again with their insistance that I answer them immediately on why I scumread cheese with a better reason than ā€œgut lolā€


Anyway, you can take over as the player now. Have fun, and Iā€™ll retreat to the hydra chat in my account.


what no im literally only here for a good 5 minutes

Thanks for that 5 minute break

I got some snacks. Anyone want some popcorn?


Iā€™ll have some. I shouldnā€™t really be up and here at this time but Iā€™m here anyway.
Itā€™s nice to speak to a townie

How are you Wolfy or Kiiruma?

Hands over popcorn


I shall henceforth refer to ā€œWolfy or Kiirumaā€ as simply ā€œhimsā€ to himplify the process of speech


what is unnatural pacing. And no wtf are you talking about with that.

oh wow early game reads bad. You flipping wolf and want me to look bad when you do? You know this unfortunately would have the inverse effect right? But thanks for letting me know that you donā€™t take my town reads on you because you are wolf trying your darndest to shade me.

I see merit here, I do hedge a lot, which is a town trait unfortunately for you.

Also find it hilarious that they said this:

When they clearly have had suspicion on our slot before all of this

I think theThethe is just playing classic scum now. But really, I will let my town flip determine that

GGhana slot, when I die

shooty shoot

this dies


GDI Jake.
I am personally well.

I had wolfy read over the game, a least a bit and he seemed fine with what was going on so far.
I donā€™t think that G/C would basically sever ties to a slot such as your own as mafia so theyā€™re probably town.

Cheese, the plan is for bbb to shoot me directly, and then for me to shoot you in a fit of unadulterated glory




Cursed Idea:

1 Hydra named ā€œFortress Furfestā€

Only furries allowed

It would either be great or awful, and I canā€™t decide which one it would be.


Neither slot usually is quite like this.
But I think that makes it more likely theyā€™re town since theyā€™d be cautious about it as mafia methinks

also its hilarious how my analysis are apparently bad when this exists.

GGhana your scum too right?

Illwei Brad me and cloned and that arctic hydra officially form town core

Thatā€™s literally my slot rn smh.
But I certainly donā€™t want to question if weā€™re great or awful


sorry about that town friend
