Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

I sleep

Word salad, I havenā€™t changed my mind on you and youā€™re still scum

I literally vetoed a shot on the cheese slot earlier so that should be enough to give you an idea of what I think of them

On the other hand I think itā€™s interesting youā€™re just omgusing me at this point for scumreading you. I donā€™t think youā€™d care as much as a villager because you would know you get the gun and can possibly shoot me, and judging by our previous discussion you saw nothing wrong with the idea of cheese being a villager, getting the gun, and shooting me from the perspective that Iā€™m a villager, so wouldnā€™t this be the same thing? If anything, I should be afraid of giving you the gun if Iā€™m a wolf and youā€™re town. But Iā€™m not, because Iā€™m town and I think youā€™re afraid of actually dying.


Yes it is, we only have 3 misfires if we never hit a wolf and then they reach parity. Thatā€™s why I was checking that earlier and you even commented on my post about this. Assuming the first shot is a miss and the second shot is a miss, one more miss and itā€™s game over which is not good for us.

Why are you not concerned? Do you want the game to end that early?


The problem I have with this is that I find their waffly posts on me to look like a wolf agenda checklist

Like I think theyā€™re textbook wolfy and also trying to work off a ā€œhow to look like townā€ checklist but Iā€™m just not buying it

It doesnā€™t matter what I think since Iā€™m not the one with the gun, but I would definitely not clear this slot from anything they have said because, again, I think theyā€™ve overexplained quite a few things and also been changing their explanations along the way.

Also idk if you ever read the post they made that I asked for opinions on but I still think the fact they deny it was TMI and that Iā€™m actually a null read is pretty telling.

I might as well read other slots for the rest of the day since Iā€™m not budging on this one but apparently youā€™re not shooting them, but I donā€™t think theyā€™re town.


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Kind of agreeing with Windward here.

  • Brad

My only concern right now is that Seth is literally just tanking the game so he can get the gun and shoot who he feels like shooting, which is going to be utter shit for the game state if both him and his target are misses.
Thatā€™s like, the only scenario I can see him being town. Heā€™s looked awful.

  • Brad

Why tf do you think Iā€™m scum lol


Tbh I donā€™t particularly trust town!Seth with a gun and I definitely donā€™t trust LP because the gun will almost definitely end up in my hands if so and then Wazza and I have to shoot correctly or we lose the game which is lots of responsibility and not a ton of fun lol
On the other hand, not wanting to shoot scummy players just because youā€™re afraid theyā€™re town is literally a fast track to town losing in this setup, so Iā€™m not afraid to shoot people I think are scum. Wolves can use their reputation to play around with evading a shot and tunnel the shit out of an obvtown with terrible reasoning for the sole purpose of convincing the gun holder not to pass them the gun if theyā€™re town, and I think itā€™s a huge vulnerability in peopleā€™s reads that they need to consider.

Anyway I gotta get ready for work so Iā€™ll stop backreading for now, but Iā€™ll stick around for a bit to talk


I swear this sounds like a subtle defense
I know I said this in exactly the same situation when I thought Seth was defending Jake in Railgun but I thought they were w/w (Seth was wolf and Jake was town)
Getting the exact same vibes here, like why constantly bring up Jake being a willager unless you either townread them or know theyā€™re town? Maybe being wolfy is NAI but itā€™s not like being a willager excludes the possibility of Jake being wolfy as an actual wolf.
Disclaimer: I havenā€™t read much from the slot end have no read on them but just wanted to make a comment on this particular post because it is identical to what Seth said in the last game and then jumped on me for pushing him when he actually was a wolf.



Ok now Iā€™m actually pausing on the backreading
I just wanted to see if BBB gave a reason why they think Iā€™m a wolf or if itā€™s just by anti-association since they think Zwelious is a villager for whatever reason but I didnā€™t see it so Iā€™ll look later or ask them again when theyā€™re back


Didnā€™t mean to make it sound like Iā€™m dismissing their reason for thinking Z is town btw
I just donā€™t agree with it, as stated earlier


I think I like Capeā€™s posting from what Iā€™ve seen post-Zwelious discussion (I didnā€™t read anything much from them before that, except for the derp thing and what was quoted or mentioned)
But i do have a bit of paranoia that theyā€™d just use the Zwelious situation to pocket me and even hard distance if the two are w/w, since Z had a kind of lacklustre read on cheese and most of what I saw was insisting that i was TMIā€™ing cheese town as a counteraccusation to Z TMIā€™ing me town
Iā€™ll look at the cheese iso later and see if I can get a clearer overview of their stances and how theyā€™ve been presenting their reads and see what I think


Jesus christ when you put it that way itā€™s a literal explanation of Sethā€™s mafia game from what Iā€™ve seen a few times.

  • Brad

I kinda like the Brad/Illwei slot and also SoS but I also think maybe Iā€™m not being cautious enough in general on handing out townleans since there are so many wolves in this game
If my reads are correct then Iā€™ve almost locked the scum team despite not really reading half the slots, and thatā€™s probably not the way to win this, so I need to just step back and gain more perspective before shitting out solid takes. Iā€™m just going off impressions and the only read Iā€™m settled on is Z wolf so far. Iā€™m not backing off it this time because I made the mistake of doubting my read on w!Seth in Railgun and then he endgamed. We arenā€™t having a repeat of that.


Iā€™m talking about this portion, FYI. Granted it might not be ā€œobvious townā€ Iā€™m thinking more he tunnels the strongest town slot.

  • Brad

Yeah thatā€™s part of the reason I think the slot should be shot
Also, I know I said I donā€™t trust town!Seth to have correct reads but sometimes he is correct
Iā€™d rather trust my read that the slot is scum and then hope that if theyā€™re town theyā€™ll shoot scum, than decide itā€™s too risky to give them the gun and they just never fucking die and endgame as wolf.


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Well LP is tunnelling me and all Seth said is that he agrees with LP on whatever LP said

Which is literally what I accused them of doing. I said it seems like LP is the ringleader and Seth is just going along with whatever they say, and I donā€™t think I expect that from a town hydra. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a wolf hydra coordinating on their agenda pushes, and they also know Iā€™m right so theyā€™re floundering by OMGUSing me instead of accepting the scumread.

Wolves donā€™t want to die. Town knows they get the gun. So if theyā€™re worried Iā€™m scum, they know if they get shot as town they get the gun and can shoot me in turn. But I donā€™t see that AT ALL reflected in their logic which is extremely concerning.


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And Iā€™m not saying I have something against being passed the gun, either
This goes back to my earlier statement that if the gun ends up in my hands it obviously means a townie died passing it to me and I think thatā€™s bad because we donā€™t want town to die
I donā€™t care what gghanaā€™s reputation is for reads, I am sure I know why he was given the gun, but Iā€™d rather he keep the gun for the entire game and shoot wolves than die shooting the wrong slot.


Also Iā€™m wary of slots defending Zwelious

Obviously not BBB since theyā€™re vig, but SoS agreed with their reasoning that Z is town

And I do think wolves will go for shielding each other in this setup, so if the IC slot happens to townread a wolf itā€™s a great excuse for them to do the same and ā€œsheepā€ the read

Im aware I just said I like the SoS slot but this was a caveat I had when reading through
