Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS


that’s literally bullshit lol

This is the part of the game where coven all out and give us their roles so we can kill the jackals

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But in FM that’s throwing, but it’s also the only legitimate strategy they have because if they get executed over any of the 3 jackals they and town will just lose the game on the spot

that’s hilarious

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When you think about it like rlly hard, coven have already lost the game

They’d need to snipe both the coven and town recruit tonight, or the jackal, without being executed themselves. They can get away with it if they execute a jackal member but you know

that’s luck :slight_smile:

i think we dont vote here

im not entirely sure tho

When you think about it really hard we’ve all just lost the game

Nah I want to vote for fun could get lucky :3

No coven have legitimately already lost

if we dont vote coven attacks eve (?) but jackal kills a tpow

Also bold of you to accuse the only reason town is still in the game today :wowee:

if we kill coven jackals win but if we kill jackal both have a reason to attack town

It’s 5v5, 2 kills tonight along with an exe makes it 6, if none of the 3 jackal members die that is parity coven insta-lose

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So they’d have to kill a jackal member, but by doing that they can’t kill EITHER of the Tpow roles that are in the game, and still alive

They can’t kill the TP protecting those Tpow unless they think it’s a recruit (and if they’re wrong they insta-lose)

Coven put themselves in a corner and I’m more than happy to laugh at them for it but I do want to put a good effort in anyway

I cooked.
But did we lost anyway? Also wheres the sponsor Pros

How does that figure